Title: Euclidean extensions of dynamical systems
Speaker: Matt Nicol
Speaker Info: Surrey
Brief Description:
Special Note: More current information may be available at Plan-it Purple
Recently there has been substantial progress in understanding the ergodic and mixing properties of generic group extensions of dynamical systems. Such models occur frequently in applications, especially physical systems modelled by PDEs with Euclidean symmetry. A group (G) extension of a base dynamical system consists of a map or flow on a manifold X, a skewing functionDate: Friday, March 8, 2002g: X -> G and a skew- product map or flow on the product spaceX x G . We investigate the behaviour of E(n) (the Euclidean group of rotations, reflections and translation in n-dimensional space) extensions of various types of base dynamics on X. In particular we consider the topological and statistical properties ofS E(n) extensions of periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic dynamical systems.