Geometry/Physics Seminar

Title: Seidel's Mirror Map for Abelian Varieties
Speaker: Professor Eric Zaslow
Speaker Info: Northwestern University
Brief Description:
Special Note:

We find the abelian varieties mirror to symplectic tori, using Paul Seidel's idea of constructing the mirror of a projective variety using Kontsevich's equivalence of categories. We show how the construction depends on the symplectomorphism representing the monodromy around the large complex structure point. The example of the two-torus is discussed in detail.
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2005
Time: 2:30pm
Where: Lunt 107
Contact Person: Prof. Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Contact email: ccliu@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-467-1874
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