Title: A Three Dimensional Model of Cellular Electrical Activity: mathematical analysis and numerical simulation
Speaker: Yoichiro Mori
Speaker Info: Courant Institute, New York University
Brief Description:
Special Note: Special PDE seminar
After a brief discussion of the motivation for developing the model, I will formulate the system of PDEs that govern 3D cellular electrical activity. The relationship between our 3D model and traditional cable models will be explained, thereby illustrating the different time scales that are present in the equations. I will then present an existence analysis for a particular simplification of the model, which will further illuminate the behavior of the system. A numerical method to solve these equations will be presented. This will be followed by simulation results for a particular physiological phenomenon for which our model has provided novel insight: cardiac action potential propagation without gap junctions. I will end with a discussion of future directions.Date: Thursday, November 10, 2005