Geometry/Physics Seminar

Title: Weighted Blowups and Homological Mirror Symmetry of Toric Surfaces
Speaker: Gabriel Kerr, University of Chicago
Speaker Info:
Brief Description:
Special Note:

This talk will explore homological mirror symmetry for weighted blowups of toric varieties. After an introduction to this topic, I will discuss natural semiorthogonal decompositions that occur in both the A-model and B-model categories. There is an equivalence of the right orthogonal categories which will be illustrated. This leads to an inductive strategy for the proof of the homological mirror symmetry conjecture for a large class of toric surfaces.
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2006
Time: 4:00pm
Where: Lunt 107
Contact Person: Kevin Costello
Contact email: costello@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 773 910 8788
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