Title: Lagrangian correspondences, holomorphic quilts, and a Floer field theory I
Speaker: Professor Katrin Wehrheim
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This is joint work with Chris Woodward. We generalize Lagrangian Floer theory to sequences of Lagrangian correspondences and establish an isomorphism between the Floer homology groups of sequences that are related by the geometric composition of Lagrangian correspondences, if the composition is smooth and embedded. On these Floer homologies, we define relative invariants arising from ``quilted pseudoholomorphic surfaces''. Using these new invariants, we define a composition functor for categories of Lagrangian correspondences in monotone and exact symplectic Floer theory. As an application, we aim to construct a category-valued Floer TFT in 2+1 dimensions, or in other words, functor valued invariants of 3-dimensional cobordisms.Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2007