
Title: Combinatorial Floer homology
Speaker: Professor Ciprian Manolescu
Speaker Info: Columbia University
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Heegaard Floer theory is an important tool in low-dimensional topology, and can be used to address questions about knots, three-manifolds, and four-manifolds. It was developed by Ozsvath and Szabo as a replacement for gauge theory. The original definition involved counting solutions to some nonlinear PDE's. I will present an alternate, purely combinatorial description of Heegaard Floer homology for knots and links in the three-sphere (joint work with Ozsvath and Sarkar), as well as some other related results.
Date: Friday, October 19, 2007
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Jeff Xia
Contact email: xia@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5487
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