Title: Relative Fukaya Categories
Speaker: Gabriel Kerr
Speaker Info: Northwestern University
Brief Description:
Special Note:
I will describe recent progress in defining Fukaya categories of superpotentials with run-off behavior and show how these may be thought of as relative Fukaya Categories. After reviewing the classical case (i.e. the case that has been known now for ten years) I will illustrate how many of the same theorems work in the relative case (in particular the existence of exceptional collections and their mutations). As this is a work in progress, I will allow myself to dream a bit in the last part of the talk. Some dreams will include: reconstructing Fukaya categories of smooth varieties from degenerations (Gross/Seibert Theory + Superpotential) and Mirror Symmetry for non-toric Fano manifolds.Date: Thursday, January 31, 2008