Title: The blob complex and the higher dimensional Deligne conjecture.
Speaker: Kevin Walker
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The blob complex can be thought of as the derived category version of a TQFT, or alternatively as a generalization of the Hochschild complex to higher categories. It associates a chain complex B_*(M, C) to an n-manifold M and an n-category C. H_0(B_*(M, C)) is isomorphic to the (dual) Hilbert space assigned to M by the n+1-dimensional TQFT constructed from C. B_*(S^1, C) is homotopy equivalent to the Hochschild complex of C. The blob complex enjoys many nice formal properties; the one I hope to concentrate on in this talk is a higher dimensional version of the Deligne conjecture. This is joint work with Scott Morrison.Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009