Title: Formality theorem for Hochschild cochains via transfer
Speaker: Vasiliy Dolgushev
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In my talk I will introduce a natural 2-colored extension $G_+$ of the operad of homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras. I will show that Tamarkin's homotopy Gerstenhaber algebra structure on the Hochschild cochain complex extends naturally to a $G_+$-algebra structure on the pair ``associative algebra and its Hochschild cochain omplex''. I will show that a formality quasi-isomorphism for Hochschild cochains of the polynomial algebra can be obtained via transfer of this $G_+$-algebra structure to the cohomology. Finally, I will describe a link between the operad $G_+$ and Voronov's topological Swiss Cheese operad.Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010