Title: Character sheaves and minimal idempotents on unipotent groups
Speaker: Tanmay Deshpande
Speaker Info: U of Chicago
Brief Description:
Special Note:
I will describe some of the main features of the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups developed by Drinfeld and Boyarchenko. Let G be a unipotent group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. Drinfeld defined the notion of L-packets of character sheaves on G in terms of minimal closed idempotents e in the braided monoidal category D_G(G) of conjugation equivariant complexes on G (under convolution with compact support) and formulated some conjectures about their properties. In particular, he conjectured that the Hecke subcategory eD_G(G) is the bounded derived category of a modular category. The proof of this conjecture for a general minimal idempotent can be reduced to a special class of minimal idempotents known as Heisenberg idempotents. Finally we will study Heisenberg idempotents and see some ideas involved in proving Drinfeld's conjecture in the case of Heisenberg idempotents.Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010