Title: Computation of ends of leaves in certain foliated spaces
Speaker: Olga Lukina
Speaker Info: University of Leicester
Brief Description:
Special Note:
Intuitively, an end of a leaf in a minimal set of a foliation is a 'distinct way to go to infinity'. Analysis of end spaces of leaves provides information about the asymptotic behavior of leaves in the minimal set. Although the notion of an end is rather simple, it is not always easy to compute the number of ends of leaves in actual examples of minimal sets. In the talk I will introduce a notion of the Schreier continuum, which gives a way to compute end structures of leaves within the minimal set of a certain class of foliations geometrically, and give an example of computations with Schreier continua for the non-homogeneous solenoid of Schori.Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010