
Title: Permutations and polynomiality in algebra and topology
Speaker: Benson Farb
Speaker Info: U Chicago
Brief Description:
Special Note:

In this talk I will consider various sequences of integers a_n arising from various parts of mathematics: from configuration spaces to Lie algebras to spaces of polynomials and more. My goal will be to describe a single underlying structure from which one can deduce that for each of these sequences (and many more) there is a polynomial P with a_n=P(n) for all n big enough. This structure is the "second generation" of my previous work with Church on "representation stability".

This is joint work with Tom Church and Jordan Ellenberg.

Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Frank Calegari
Contact email: fcale@math.northwestern.edu
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