Title: Quasi-classical limits of deformation quantization algebroids
Speaker: Paul Bressler
Speaker Info: Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota
Brief Description:
Special Note:
Starting with a review of star-products I will give an overview of deformation quantization leading up to the central objects of study - DQ-algebroids. I will discuss classification type results as well as identify the geometric structure imposed on the manifold by a DQ-algebroid. This structure reduces to a Poisson bracket in the setting of star-products (and, more generally, DQ-algebras). In the more general setting of DQ-algebroids, beside the Poisson bracket, the classical limit of the DQ-algebroid, which, in general, is a gerbe acquires additional structure which imposes restrictions on the gerbe quantized by the DQ-algebroid. These restrictions are described in terms of Deligne-Poisson cohomology.Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012