Title: Noncollision singularities in Newtonian N-body problem
Speaker: Jinxin Xue
Speaker Info: University of Chicago
Brief Description:
Special Note: We will go to dinner after the talk.
In this talk, we review the problem on the existence of non collision singularities (finite time blowup solutions) in Newtonian N-body problem. After talking about the previous results, esp. Xia's result on a spatial five-body problem, we explain our recent results on a planar two-center-two-body (2C2B) problem and a planar four-body problem based on a model of Gerver. In the 2C2B case, we study the motion of two light particles under the gravitational attraction of two fixed heavy bodies. We show that the velocities of the two moving particles can be accelerated to infinity within finite time for a Cantor set of initial conditions. We also explain how to generalize the result to get non collision singularities for the four-body problem. This is a joint work with D. Dolgopyat.Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014