Title: The core entropy of quadratic polynomials
Speaker: Giulio Tiozzo
Speaker Info: Yale University
Brief Description:
Special Note:
The notion of topological entropy, arising from information theory, is a fundamental tool to understand the complexity of a dynamical system. When the dynamical system varies in a family, the natural question arises of how the entropy changes with the parameter.Date: Wednesday, January 06, 2016Recently, W. Thurston has introduced these ideas in the context of complex dynamics by defining the "core entropy" of a quadratic polynomials as the entropy of a certain forward-invariant set of the Julia set (the Hubbard tree).
As we shall see, the core entropy is a purely topological / combinatorial quantity which nonetheless captures the richness of the fractal structure of the Mandelbrot set. In particular, we shall see how to relate the variation of such a function to the geometry of the Mandelbrot set. We will also prove that the core entropy of quadratic polynomials varies continuously as a function of the external angle, answering a question of Thurston.