Title: Circle averages on translation surfaces.
Speaker: Jon Chaika
Speaker Info: University of Utah
Brief Description:
Special Note:
Consider a flat torus. If you flow at a fixed rate simultaneously in every direction from a fixed point, you will get a sequence of "circles" that equidistribute on that surface. Translation surfaces are generalizations of tori and one can ask the same question. Flow for time T in all directions from p. Do these "circles" equidistribute? This talk will present progress on this problem: For almost every surface (with respect to any SL(2,R) invariant measure) the answer is yes except possibly on a set of density 0 (that can depend on the point). The full question remains open and I'll state some other open problems. Relevant terminology will be defined. This is joint work with P. Hubert.Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016