Dynamical Systems Seminar

Title: Random walks in random sceneries
Speaker: Tim Austin
Speaker Info: NYU
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Simple random walks in random sceneries can be turned into examples of dynamical systems with interesting ergodic theoretic properties. In particular, they are some of the few known natural systems which have the `K property' but are not `Bernoulli'.

This talk will be about a new invariant which can be used to recover the entropy rate of the scenery as an isomorphism-invariant of these systems. This implies that they form a continuum of truly distinct examples. A large part of the talk will be given to the history and context for this problem, before starting on the new results themselves.

Date: Friday, February 05, 2016
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Bryna Kra
Contact email: kra@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5567
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