Title: Vanishing and relations in the tautological ring of M_g, via the theta divisor
Speaker: Samuel Grushevsky
Speaker Info: Stony Brook
Brief Description:
Special Note:
We consider various Abel-Jacobi maps from M_{g,n} to the universal abelian variety, by taking weighted sums of points on the Jacobian. By pulling back the vanishing (g+1)'st power of the theta divisor via these maps, we reprove by elementary and explicit methods the vanishing part of Faber's conjecture on tautological rings of M_{g,n}. Furthermore, pulling back the expressions for the double ramification cycle we provide an algorithm for explicitly expressing vanishing tautological classes as being supported on the boundary of the Deligne-Mumford compactification. Based on joint work with E. Clader, F. Janda, D. Zakharov.Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017