Title: Which groups have bounded harmonic functions?
Speaker: Yair Hartman
Speaker Info: Northwestern
Brief Description:
Special Note:
Bounded harmonic functions on groups are closely related to random walks on groups. It has long been known that all abelian groups, and more generally, virtually nilpotent groups are "Choquet-Deny groups": these groups cannot support non-trivial bounded harmonic functions. Equivalently, their Furstenberg-Poisson boundary is trivial, for any random walk. I will present a very recent result where we complete the classification of discrete countable Choquet-Deny groups. In particular, we show that any finitely generated group which is not virtually nilpotent, is not Choquet-Deny. Surprisingly, the key is not the growth rate of the group, but rather the algebraic infinite conjugacy class property (ICC).Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018This is joint work with Joshua Frisch, Omer Tamuz and Pooya Vahidi Ferdowsi.