Title: Symplectic Geometry of Conical Symplectic Resolutions
Speaker: Filip Živanović
Speaker Info: University of Edinburgh
Brief Description: Virtual (Zoom) Talk
Special Note:
Meeting ID: 916 7431 9341Date: Thursday, April 15, 2021Meeting Password: First word of the name of the seminar (in small letters)
Abstract: Conical symplectic resolutions (CSRs) are a big family of spaces that are of central importance in Geometric Representation Theory. Quiver varieties, hypertoric varieties, Slodowy nilpotent slices are all examples of CSRs. All the existing examples of CSRs are known to be complete hyperkähler. In this talk, I will focus on their symplectic geometry. I will explain that each CSR has a natural Liouville structure and that one can obtain a family of compact exact Lagrangian submanifolds in it, whose Floer-theoretic invariants are of purely-topological nature, and which yields lower bounds on the symplectic cohomology. Time permitting, I will talk about the highly non-exact symplectic structure on CSRs, whose symplectic cohomology can be constructed (joint work with Alex Ritter) and give some consequences of this construction.