Title: Exponential mixing of flows for geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds with cusps
Speaker: Wenyu Pan
Speaker Info: U. Chicago
Brief Description: Part of Midwest Dynamics Conference
Special Note: Part of Midwest Dynamics Conference
Let H^n be the hyperbolic n-space and \Gamma be a geometrically finite discrete subgroup in Isom_{+}(H^n) with parabolic elements. We investigate whether the geodesic flow (resp. the frame flow) over the unit tangent bundle T^1(\Gamma\H^n) (resp. the frame bundle F(\Gamma\H^n)) mixes exponentially. This result has many applications, including spectral theory, orbit counting, equidistribution, prime geodesic theorems, etc.Date: Saturday, November 13, 2021In the joint work with Jialun LI, we show that the geodesic flow mixes exponentially. I will describe some ingredients in the proof. If there is time, I will also discuss the difficulty of obtaining exponential mixing of the frame flow.