Title: On the boundedness of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds
Speaker: Stefano Filipazzi
Speaker Info: EPFL
Brief Description: Zoom talk
Special Note:
In this talk, we will discuss the boundedness of Calabi-Yau threefold admitting an elliptic fibration. First, we will survey some ideas to address weak forms of boundedness of varieties admitting an elliptic fibration. Then, we will switch focus to Calabi-Yau varieties and discuss how the Kawamata-Morrison cone conjecture comes in the picture when studying boundedness properties for this class of varieties. To conclude, we will see how this circle of ideas applies to the case of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds. This talk is based on work joint with C.D. Hacon and R. Svaldi.Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022