Dynamical Systems Seminar

Title: Marked boundary rigidity for Anosov type surfaces
Speaker: Alena Erchenko
Speaker Info: Dartmouth
Brief Description:
Special Note:

Consider a smooth compact connected oriented surface with boundary of Anosov type, i.e., it has a strictly convex boundary, no conjugate points, and hyperbolic trapped set. We prove that if two metrics of Anosov type have same marked boundary distance, then they are isometric. One of the main ingredients is a new transfer principle showing that the marked length spectrum rigidity conjecture implies the marked boundary distance rigidity conjecture under the existence of a suitable isometric embedding into a closed Anosov manifold. This is joint work with Thibault Lefeuvre.
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Time: 4:00pm
Where: Lunt 104
Contact Person: Prof. Bryna Kra
Contact email: kra@math.northwestern.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-5567
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