Title: Phase-Ordering, Interface Dynamics, and Persistence Exponents in Spatially-Extended Dynamical Systems
Speaker: Dr. H. Chate
Speaker Info: Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Brief Description:
Special Note: Note unusual time
Spatially-extended dynamical systems, alike their equilibrium or stochastic counterparts, may undergo phase-ordering or domain growth processes. We discuss these processes and the associated scaling properties of the persistent sites, i.e. the fraction of the system that has remained in its initial state, using results on a chaotic coupled map lattice. We show that space discretization leads to non-conventional domain growth, present (generalized) persistence exponents, and comment on the intricate relationship between interface dynamics and these scaling properties with the help of a simple, exactly-soluble, stochastic model for the local distribution of interface passage times.Date: Friday, May 28, 1999