Dynamical Systems Seminar

Title: Almost sure rates of mixing for random unimodal maps
Speaker: Professor Viviane Baladi
Speaker Info: CNRS, Orsay
Brief Description:
Special Note:

(Joint work with M Benedicks and V Maume)

Since the work of Jakobson it is known that many quadratic maps admit an absolutely continuous invariant measure. Young and Keller-Nowicki showed that this measure mixes smooth observables exponentially fast. Collet, Benedicks-Young and Baladi-Viana studied a Markov chain corresponding to (averaged) small perturbations of such maps. We discuss small random perturbations, aiming to understand the almost sure (as oppposed to averaged) behaviour. After setting the global picture, we shall explain the main ideas we used to obtain stretched exponential upper bounds for the random correlations.

Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Time: 4:10pm
Where: Lunt 105
Contact Person: Prof. Keith Burns
Contact email: burns@math.nwu.edu
Contact Phone: 847-491-3013
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