Title: Partial Differential Equations and Fluids
Speaker: Professor Peter Constantin
Speaker Info: University of Chicago
Brief Description:
Special Note:
In an editorial of the Notices of the AMS (Vol. 47, Number 3, March 2000), Felix Browder, President of the AMS, refers to ``... some of the major classical problems: the Riemann Hypothesis, the Poincar\'{e} Conjecture, and the regularity of three-dimensional fluid flows''. I imagine that many beginning graduate students in Mathematics have heard of the first two of these problems, but maybe not so many know about the third. I would like to describe this third problem in a broader context, involving not only PDE questions of existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions, but also dynamical issues concerning stability and statistical questions raised by instability.Date: Friday, May 19, 2000