Title: 2001 U Chicago Northwestern U. Nonlinear Workshop
Speaker: Professors Bodenschatz, Lynch, Lee, Ferster, Balkovsky, Ottino
Speaker Info:
Brief Description:
Special Note: More information at http://www.complex-systems.northwestern.edu
The 2001 Annual U. Chicago / Northwestern Nonlinear Workshop will take place on May 12, 2001 at Northwestern. It will bring together researchers from the Chicago area working on nonlinear problems in a wide range of exciting areas. Six featured speakers will cover topics ranging from visual processing in the cortex to robotic manipulation to granular mixing and spirals in fluid flow. In addition, the workshop will also provide graduate students with the opportunity to present their research in a wine-and-cheese poster session. The workshop will close with an informal dinner.Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001Details about the event can be found at http://www.complex-systems.northwestern.edu or by contacting Prof. Melody Swartz (m-swartz2@northwestern.edu) or Ms. Joanne Benge (complex-systems@northwestern.edu).