Northwestern University Mathematical Calendar
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Year 2011-2012
Thursday, September 22, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Nick Sheridan, MIT
- Title: Introducing Homological Mirror Symmetry
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Nick Sheridan, MIT
- Title: Homological Mirror Symmetry for a Calabi-Yau hypersurface in projective space
Abstract and details available
Thursday, October 6, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Daniele Rosso, Chicago
- Title: Classic and mirabolic RSK correspondence for partial flags
Abstract and details available
Thursday, October 13, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Cheol-Hyun Cho, Northwestern
- Title: Obstructions and Deformations in Lagrangian Floer theory
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Cheol-Hyun Cho, Northwestern
- Title: Holomorphic orbidiscs and Lagrangian Floer theory for toric orbifolds.
Abstract and details available
Thursday, October 20, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Thomas Willwacher, Harvard
- Title: TBA
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Thomas Willwacher, Harvard
- Title: Towards a unification of deformation quantization
Abstract and details available
Friday, October 21, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Lev Rozansky, UNC
- Title: Extension of Khovanov's homology to links in S2 x S1
Abstract and details available
Thursday, October 27, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Sheel Ganatra, MIT
- Title: Some remarks on Hochschild cohomology and Fukaya categories
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Sheel Ganatra, MIT
- Title: On the Hochschild (co)homology of the Fukaya category
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 3, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Anatoly Preygel, MIT
- Title: Some constructions for dg-categories and "non-commutative" algebraic geometry.
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Anatoly Preygel, MIT
- Title: Thom-Sebastiani & duality for matrix factorizations (via DAG)
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 4, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Dan Freed, UT Austin
- Title: Invertibility, modularity, and topological field theory
Contact info here
Thursday, November 10, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- David Ayala, Harvard
- Title: Configuration Spaces and Homology
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- David Ayala, Harvard
- Title: Weak n-categories as sheaves
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 17, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Izzet Coskun, UIC
- Title: The birational geometry of the Hilbert Scheme of Points on surfaces
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Izzet Coskun, UIC
- Title: The birational geometry of the Hilbert scheme of points on P^2 and Bridgeland stability conditions
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 18, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Marco Gualtieri, University of Toronto
- Title: Deformations of Generalized Kähler Manifolds
Abstract and details available
Friday, December 2, 2011
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Lev Buhovski, University of Chicago
- Title: Robust Measurements in Symplectic Topology
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:15pm
- Alexander Braverman, Brown
- Title: Instantons, affine Lie algebras and AGT conjecture.
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 19, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Ted Stadnik, Northwestern
- Title: Tilting sheaves in characteristic zero via positive characteristic geometry
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Ted Stadnik, Northwestern
- Title: Azumaya algebras on symplectic quotients
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 26, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Sergey Shadrin, University of Amsterdam
- Title: Introduction to the Givental theory (pre-talk)
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Xinwen Zhu, Harvard University
- Title: Adelic unformization of moduli of G-bundles
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Sergey Shadrin, University of Amsterdam
- Title: Applications of the Givental theory
Abstract and details available
Thursday, February 9, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Mike Skirvin, Northwestern
- Title: Geometry of algebraic curves
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Mike Skirvin, Northwestern
- Title: Global Springer theory for SL_2
Abstract and details available
Thursday, February 16, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Kevin Costello, Northwestern
- Title: Mathematical aspects of supersymmetric gauge theories
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Ian Le, Northwestern
- Title: Higher Laminations and Affine Buildings
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Ian Le, Northwestern
- Title: Higher Laminations and Affine Buildings
Abstract and details available
Thursday, March 1, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Alex Eskin, UChicago
- Title: Rational billiards and the SL(2,R) action on modui space.
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Alex Eskin, UChicago
- Title: Rational billiards and the SL(2,R) action on modui space.
Abstract and details available
Thursday, March 8, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Helge Ruddat, Mainz
- Title: TBA
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Helge Ruddat, Mainz
- Title: Towards mirror symmetry for varieties of general type
Abstract and details available
Thursday, March 15, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 1:00pm
- Alexei Oblomkov, UMass Amherst
- Title: Pre-talk
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:30pm
- Alexei Oblomkov, UMass Amherst
- Title: Khovanov-Rozansky invariants of knots, plane curve singularities and Cherednik algebras
Abstract and details available
Thursday, March 29, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 1:00pm
- Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich
- Title: Classical and quantum Lagrangian field theories with boundaries I
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich
- Title: Classical and quantum Lagrangian field theories with boundaries II
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 12, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Pavel Mnëv,
- Title: Classical and quantum Lagrangian field theories with boundaries III
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Pavel Mnëv,
- Title: Classical and quantum Lagrangian field theories with boundaries IV
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 19, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Dan Abramovich, Brown University
- Title: Logarithmic Gromov-Witten invariants
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 20, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Dan Abramovich, Brown
- Title: Logarithmic Gromov-Witten invariants
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Arun Ram, Melbourne
- Title: TBA
Contact info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Arun Ram, Melbourne
- Title: Generalized equivariant cohomology of flag varieties
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 26, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Alastair Hamilton, Texas Tech
- Title: Moduli spaces, noncommutative geometry and characteristic classes.
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Alastair Hamilton, Texas Tech
- Title: Compactifications of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces and a noncommutative BV-formalism
Abstract and details available
Thursday, May 3, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 102, 1:00pm
- Gabriel Kerr, Miami
- Title: Subdivisions of polytopes
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Gabriel Kerr, Miami
- Title: Symplectomorphism group relations and mirrors of birational maps
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Dennis Gaitsgory, Harvard
- Title: Outline of the proof of Geometric Langlands for GL(2)
Contact info here
Thursday, May 10, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Sam Gunningham, NU
- Title: Spin Hurwitz Numbers and TQFT
Abstract and details available
Thursday, May 31, 2012
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Kai Behrend, University of British Columbia
- Title: Differential graded schemes via curved differential graded Lie algebras
Abstract and details available
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Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University.