Northwestern University Mathematical Calendar
Previous Entries
Year 2002
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Monday, January 7, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. H. Levine, Iowa State Univ.
- Title: A New Mathematical Model for Tumor Angiogenesis: From the Onset of Necrosis to Tumor Vascularization
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Thursday, January 10, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Jens Hornbostel, Northwestern
- Title: Lecture 1: Topological K-theory. Different definitions for algebraic K-theory.
Abstract and details available
Friday, January 11, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Technological Institute - Room M416, 2:00PM
- Arshad Kudrolli, Clark University
- Title: Vortices and clustering in anisotropic and cohesive granular matter
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 14, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. T. Savina, Northwestern University
- Title: The Law of Reflection for Solutions of Elliptic Equations
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Brayton Gray , University of Illinois at Chicago
- Title: Costable homotopy of periodic spaces
Contact Info here
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Tom Graber, Harvard University
- Title: Rationally Connected Varieties
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 17, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Jens Hornbostel, Northwestern
- Title: Lecture 2: Some properties of algebraic K-theory.
Abstract and details available
Friday, January 18, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Technological Institute - Room M416, 2:00PM
- Shankar Venkataramani, Universityof Chicago
- Title: Crumpled sheets as a model system for studying multiple-scale behviors
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 21, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. N. Peters, Stanford University
- Title: Modification of the Turbulent Burning Velocity by Gas Expansion
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 3pm
- Professor Mike Roth, University of Michigan
- Title: TBA
Contact Info here
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Peter Ozsvath, Princeton University
- Title: Holomorphic disks and low-dimensional topology
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 24, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Jens Hornbostel, Northwestern
- Title: Lecture 3: The homotopy category of simplicial sheaves of Joyal and Jardine. The unstable A^1-homotopy category of Morel and Voevodsky.
Abstract and details available
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Benoit Perthame, Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris), France
- Title: The Helholtz Equation: High Frequency Limit
Contact Info here
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Peter Schneider, University of Muenster
- Title: TBA
Contact Info here
Friday, January 25, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Alexander Kiselev, University of Chicago
- Title: Enhancement and Quenching of Combustion by Fluid Flow
Abstract and details available
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Wendy Zhang, University of Chicago
- Title: Thread pinch-off: asymmetric cones in viscous flow.
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 28, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Elena Mantovan, Harvard University
- Title: Certain unitary Shimura varieties
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. D. Terman, Ohio State Univ.
- Title: A Model for Synchronous Parkinsonian Rhythms
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Natasa Pavlovic, University of Illinios at Chicago
- Title: Partial regularity results for the Navier-Stokes equations with hyper-dissipation
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton, Northwestern
- Title: The basic theory of (Ug,K)-modules
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Dan Isaksen, University of Notre Dame
- Title: Hypercovers in topology
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 31, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Jens Hornbostel, Northwestern
- Title: Lecture 4: A^1-representability of algebraic K-theory. Voevodsky's stable A^1-homotopy category.
Abstract and details available
Friday, February 1, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Jinho Baik, Princeton University and IAS
- Title: The Longest Increasing Subsequences of Random Symmetrized Permutations
Abstract and details available
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Ken Miller, University of California San Francisco
- Title: Modeling the function and development of a piece of the cerebral cortical circuit: Cat V1 layer 4
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 4, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. R. Scott, Univ. of Chicago
- Title: Models for Dispersive Fluid Flow
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Christina Inwon Kim, University of Texas at Austin
- Title: The Uniqueness ane Existence Results on Viscosity Solutions of the Hele-Shaw and the Stefan Problem
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Justin Mauger , Northwestern University
- Title: The cohomology of Hopf algebras associated with p-groups
Contact Info here
Tuesday, February 5, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Ernesto Lupercio, University of Wisconsin -- Madison
- Title: Orbifolds, K-theory and Deligne cohomology
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor K. Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: Representation theory of Lie groups, an introduction
Abstract and details available
Thursday, February 7, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Jens Hornbostel, Northwestern
- Title: Lecture 5: Hermitian K-theory. Morel's conjecture about certain A^1-homotopy groups of spheres.
Abstract and details available
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Manuel Blickle, Essen
- Title: The intersection homology D-module in finite characteristic
Abstract and details available
Friday, February 8, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Henry Greenside, Duke University
- Title: The Existence and Properties of Spatiotemporal Chaos in a 2D Excitable Medium
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Monica Torres, University of California at Berkeley and University of Texas at Austin
- Title: Plane-like minimal surfaces in periodic media with inclusions
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 11, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. I. Rubinstein, Indiana University
- Title: New Differential Equations Related to Refraction
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jean-Louis Loday, University of Strasbourg
- Title: On a duality between standard simplices and Stasheff polytopes
Contact Info here
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Bruce Williams, Notre Dame
- Title: Hermitian K-theory
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton, Northwestern
- Title: Induction (in all its guises)
Abstract and details available
Friday, February 15, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Technological Institute - Room M416, 2:00PM
- Rustem Ismagilov, University of Chicago
- Title: Spatial Localization of Chemical Reactions with Microfluidics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 18, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Luis Caffarelli, University of Texas at Austin
- Title: Plane Like Solutions of Minimal Surfaces in Periodic Media
Contact Info here
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Barry Mazur, Harvard
- Title: Rational points, rational curves and higher dimensions
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 19, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 101, 2:00 pm
- Professor Manuel Blickle, Essen
- Title: The intersection homology D-module in finite characteristic
Abstract and details available
Thursday, February 21, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Kathy Phelps, Northwestern
- Title: TBA
Contact Info here
Friday, February 22, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Daniel Lathrop, University of Maryland
- Title: Observing Intense Turbulent Vorticity and Strain
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 25, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Alex Eskin, University of Chicago
- Title: TBA
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. A. Scheel, Univ. of Minnesota
- Title: Do Turing Spots Move on a Wavy Background
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Kyungwoo Song, Indiana University at Bloomington
- Title: Existence of Solutions to the Pressure-Gradient Equation in an Elliptic Domain
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Kimberly Pearson, Valparaiso University
- Title: The Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture for Fuchsian groups
Contact Info here
Tuesday, February 26, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jean-Louis Loday, Strasbourg
- Title: Hopf algebras and arithmetic based on planar trees
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor M.Emerton, Northwestern University
- Title: Induction and geometry
Contact Info here
Thursday, February 28, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Dmitri Tamarkin, Harvard University
- Title: Quantization of Lie bialgebras and operads
Contact Info here
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Graham Herrick, Northwestern
- Title: Weil Conjectures for Elliptic Curves
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 105, 2-4pm
- Professor Becky Herb, University of Maryland
- Title: The Plancherel formula
Contact Info here
Friday, March 1, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Rebecca Herb, University of Maryland
- Title: Representation Theory - An Elementary Introduction
Abstract and details available
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Jared Bronski, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- Title: Passive Scalar Intermittency, Eigenvalue Asymptotics, and Small Ball Estimates for Fractional Brownian Motions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Steve Halperin, University of Maryland
- Title: Homotopy Groups and Lusternik Schnirelmann Category
Special Note: Please note the unusual day, time and room.
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Kari Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: Beilinson-Bernstein localization
Contact Info here
Monday, March 4, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Professor Jared Wunsch,
- Title: Diffraction of waves on conic manifolds
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- F. Rasio, Northwestern University
- Title: Particle Methods in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Tuesday, March 5, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Peter Schneider, University of Muenster
- Title: Representation theory and algebras of p-adic distributions
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Kari Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: Beilinson-Bernstein localization
Contact Info here
Thursday, March 7, 2002
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Sema Salur, Cornell University
- Title: Special Lagrangian Submanifolds in Mirror Symmetry
Abstract and details available
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Graham Herrick, Northwestern
- Title: Weil conjectures for elliptic curves
Abstract and details available
Friday, March 8, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Matt Nicol, Surrey
- Title: Euclidean extensions of dynamical systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, March 11, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. S. Tsynkov, Tel Aviv University
- Title: Optimization of Acoustic Strength in Problems of Active Noise Control
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Kevin Lee, Purdue University Calumet
- Title: Equivariant Lubin-Tate formal group laws
Contact Info here
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Edward Witten, IAS
- Title: Gauge Theory and its Quantum Analogue for Two-Forms
Contact Info here
Friday, March 15, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Technological Institute M416, 2:00PM
- Lev Tsimring, Institute for Nonlinear Science, University of California, San Diego
- Title: Noise-induced dynamics in bistable systems with delay
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, March 18, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. G. Karniadakis, Brown Univ.
- Title: Multiscale modeling of microfluidics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Thursday, March 21, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Shuxing Chen, Fudan University (Shanghai)
- Title: New Development of the Theory on Multidimensional Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems
Contact Info here
Friday, April 5, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Wolfgang Losert, University of Maryland
- Title: Control of binary alloy crystal growth patterns
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor ,
- Title: A class of processes on the path space over a compact Riemannian manifold with unbounded diffusion
Contact Info here
Monday, April 8, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Michael Schlosser, visiting Northwestern University
- Title: Inversion of bilateral basic hypergeometric series
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Clarence Wilkerson , Purdue University
- Title: Binary Linear Codes and the Classification of Exceptional 2-Compact Groups
Contact Info here
Tuesday, April 9, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Alexander Kleschev, University of Oregon
- Title: Modular representation theories via Kac-Moody algebras
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 12, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Douglas Heggie, University of Edinburgh
- Title: Exponential Divergence
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 15, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Jorg-Uwe Loebus, Northwestern University
- Title: A class of processes on the path space over a compact Riemannian manifold with unbounded diffusion
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- S. Brandon, Technion
- Title: Modeling Facet Formation during Crystal Growth from the Melt
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Lars Hesselholt, MIT
- Title: Topological Hochshild homology of the algebraic closure of a local field: a new Fontaine ring?
Contact Info here
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Wojciech Gajda, Poznan University
- Title: On the support problem for the intermediate jacobians of l-adic representations
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton, Northwestern
- Title: localisation revisited
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 19, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- David Merritt, Rutgers University
- Title: Non-Integrable Galactic Dynammics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 22, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Elton P. Hsu, Northwestern University
- Title: Stein's Method for Lindberg's Central Limit Theorem
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. S. A. Campbell, Univ. of Waterloo
- Title: Stability and bifurcations of a ring of oscillators with delayed coupling
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Nikolai Ivanov, Michigan State University
- Title: Homology of the mapping class groups and homology stability
Contact Info here
Tuesday, April 23, 2002
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton, Northwestern
- Title: Localisation revisited
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 26, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Hans G. Othmer, University of Minnesota
- Title: Signal transduction and behavioral response in E. Coli: a model system for understanding macroscopic patterns from microscopic rules
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 29, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Ahmed Zayed, De Paul University
- Title: A q-analogue of the Whittaker-Shannon Kotelnikov sampling theorem
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. C.K.R.T. Jones, Brown Univ.
- Title: Injecting Lagrangian elements into the ocean modeling process
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jim Borger, University of Chicago
- Title: Conductors and the moduli of residual perfection
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 2-4pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton,
- Title: Localisation continued
Contact Info here
Thursday, May 2, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Stuart S. Antman, University of Maryland
- Title: Analytic Consequences of Incompressibility in Solid Mechanics
Contact Info here
Friday, May 3, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- James Bower, The Research Imaging Center at The University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio and the Cajal Neuroscience Research Center at the University of Texas- San Antonio
- Title: How does the cerebellum compute?
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 6, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Elena Kosygina,
- Title: Homogenization of stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. J. Keener, Univ. of Utah
- Title: The dynamics of defibrillation
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Boris Tsygan, Northwestern University
- Title: Homotopy Gerstenhaber and BV structures on Hochschild complexes
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 7, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Paul Seidel, Institute for Advanced Study
- Title: Tensor construction and the mirror quintic, after Kontsevich and Douglas
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 103, 2-4pm
- Professor D. Milicic, University of Utah
- Title: Asymptotics of representations and their localization
Contact Info here
Wednesday, May 8, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Paul Seidel, Institute for Advanced Study
- Title: Real and complex Morse theory
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 103, 2-4pm
- ,
- Title: Discussion
Contact Info here
Friday, May 10, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Anna Lin, Duke University
- Title: Frequency locking of reaction-diffusion patterns
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 13, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Andrew Comech, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Title: L^p-L^q regularity of Fourier integral operators
Special Note: There are two analysis and probability seminars today
Contact Info here
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Burgess Davis, Purdue University
- Title: Reinforced Random Walk
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Dave Benson, University of Georgia
- Title: Phantom maps in algebra and topology
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor R Clark Robinson, Northwestern University
- Title: Definition of a Chaotic Attractor
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 103, 2-4pm
- All, Northwestern University
- Title: Discussion
Contact Info here
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Alex Eskin, University of Chicago
- Title: Billiards and Lattices
Contact Info here
Friday, May 17, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Renu Malhotra, University of Arizona
- Title: Chaos and Stability in Planetary Systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 20, 2002
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Joe Jerome, Northwestern University
- Title: A semi-classical drift-diffusion model with thresholds for recombination and boundary flux
Special Note: There are two analysis and probability seminars today
Contact Info here
- Analysis and Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Timo Seppalainen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Title: Second class particles in asymmetric exclusion processes
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. S. Shvartsman, Princeton Univ.
- Title: Modeling and computation of cell communication in drosophila egg development
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Tony Elmendorf, Purdue University Calumet
- Title: Modelling connective spectra using permutative categories
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Giovanni Felder, ETH
- Title: Semiclassical quantization and the third fundamental theorem for Lie algebroids
Contact Info here
- Graduate Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Todd Fisher,
- Title: Blenders
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 103, 2-4pm
- Professor Frank Calegari, Berkeley
- Title: Modular forms, representations of Galois groups, and p-adic interpolation
Contact Info here
Thursday, May 23, 2002
- Graduate Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Professor Wojciech Gajda, Poznan University, POLAND
- Title: Primes and Riemann's zeta
Abstract and details available
Friday, May 24, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech Institute - Room 416, 2:00PM
- Robert Ecke, Los Alamos National Lab
- Title: Granular Chains - Geometric Constraints, Entropy, and More
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Mark Mahowald, Northwestern University
- Title: More then you want to know about \pi_* ( L_K(2) S^0 ).
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Yelena Klimenko, Northwestern
- Title: 2-generator hyperbolic orbifolds with real parameters
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 103, 2-4pm
- All,
- Title: Discussion
Contact Info here
Thursday, May 30, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Tong Yang, City University of Hong Kong
- Title: Nonlinear Boundary Layers of the Boltzmann Equation
Abstract and details available
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Misha Brin, University of Maryland
- Title: Dynamical coherence
Contact Info here
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Misha Brin , University of Maryland
- Title: Dynamical coherence
Contact Info here
Friday, May 31, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Eugene Chiang, University of California-Berkeley
- Title: Winding and Unwinding a Clockwork Universe
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech L211 - Note special time and location, 4:00PM
- Eugene Chiang, University of California-Berkeley
- Title: Winding and Unwinding a Clockwork Universe
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, June 3, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. V. Hatzimanikatis, Northwestern Univ.
- Title: Mathematical modeling and analysis of complex biopolymerization networks
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Mark Mahowald, Northwestern University
- Title: More then you want to know about pi_* ( L_K(2) S^0 )
Contact Info here
Wednesday, June 5, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech Institute Room M416 - Note special day (Wednesday), 2:00PM
- Norm Murray, University of Toronto
- Title: Chaos in the Solar System
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Special Seminar
Annenberg G15, 4:10pm
- Professor Michael Brin , University of Maryland
- Title: The mathematics of Google
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, June 6, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Misha Brin , University of Maryland
- Title: Dynamical coherence
Contact Info here
Friday, June 7, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech Institute Room M416, 2:00PM
- Norm Murray, University of Toronto
- Title: Chaos in the Solar System
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, August 26, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Prof. A. Nepomnyashchy, Technion
- Title: Vortex-Type and Dipole-Type Solitons in Nonlinear Optical Media
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Friday, September 20, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Stephane Genet, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
- Title: Cellular basis for time computations in the cerebellum: multi- threshold model of electric activation in cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor Livio Flaminio, Université de Lille
- Title: Quantitative equidistribution for nilflows
Contact Info here
Friday, September 27, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Yanyan Li, Rutgers University
- Title: On some conformally invariant fully nonlinear equations
Contact Info here
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Lee E. Miller, Northwestern University
- Title: Predicting limb EMG from neurons recorded in the central nervous system
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, September 30, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 102, 2:10pm
- Professor Mark Kisin, University of Munster
- Title: Geometric deformations of modular Galois representations
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Kevin Knudson, Mississippi State University
- Title: The homology of invariant group chains
Contact Info here
Tuesday, October 1, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Sigrid Wortmann, University of Heidelberg
- Title: Motives and automorphic forms
Abstract and details available
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Maria Bertolim, Universidade de São Paulo
- Title: Lyapunov graph continuation
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 12-2pm
- Professor Matthew Emerton, Northwestern University
- Title: An introduction to Langlands' philosophy
Abstract and details available
Friday, October 4, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Gadi Fibich, Tel Aviv University
- Title: Self Focusing of Circularly-polarized Beams
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Northwestern Nonlinear PDE Conference
- 3:10pm Professor Peter Lax,
New York University
Title: Dispersive Equations and the Zero Dispersion Limit
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 4:10pm Professor Neil Trudinger,
Australian National University (Canberra)
Title: Boundary Value Problems for the Affine Maximal Surface Equation
Details of the talk
- 5:05pm Professor Richard Melrose,
Title: Elliptic Operators on Singular Spaces
Details of the talk
Saturday, October 5, 2002
- 9:00am Professor Avner Friedman,
Ohio State University
Title: Mathematical Challenges in Cancer Models
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 9:50am Professor Paul Rabinowitz,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: On Some Results of Moser and of Bangert
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 11:00am Professor Constantine Dafermos,
Brown University
Title: A new Approach to the Riemann Problem for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 11:50am Professor Xinfu Chen,
University of Pittsburg
Title: Traveling Waves in a Competition Model
Details of the talk
- 2:10pm Professor Luis Caffarelli,
University of Texas, Austin
Title: Some PDE Problems in Periodic Media
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 3:00pm Professor Bjorn Engquist,
Princeton University
Title: Computing High Frequency Wave Propagation
Details of the talk
- 4:10pm Professor James Glimm,
University at Stony Brook
Title: Uncertainty Quantification and Error Models for Numerical Solution Error
Details of the talk
- 5:00pm Professor Salah Baouendi,
University of California, San-Diego
Title: Some Regularity Results for Mappings Between Real Submanifolds in Complex Space
Details of the talk
Sunday, October 6, 2002
- 9:00am Professor Tai-Ping Liu,
Stanford University
Title: Energy Method for Boltzmann Equation
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 9:50am Professor Cathleen Morawetz,
New York University
Title: Linear Transonic Flow Problems
Details of the talk
- 11:00am Professor Michael Crandall,
University of California at Santa Barbara
Title: Deriving the $L^\infty$ Euler Equation
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 11:50am Professor Fernando Reitich,
University of Minnesota
Title: Shape Deformations and Analytic Continuation in Free Boundary Problems
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
- 2:10pm Professor Fanghua Lin,
New York University
Title: Some Thoughts on Born-Infeld-Einstein Equations
Details of the talk
- 3:00pm Professor Jerry Bona,
University of Illinois, Chicago
Title: Stability, Instability, and Singularities in Nonlinear Wave Equations
Details of the talk
- 4:00pm Professor Bei Hu,
Notre Dame University
Title: A PDE Model from Angiogenesis
Details of the talk
- 4:50pm Professor Carlos Kenig,
Chicago University
Title: Full Regularity on 3-dimensions for Variational Solutions to Two-Phase Free Boundary Problems
Place: Leverone Hall G40 ( Kellogg )
Abstract and details available
Monday, October 7, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. A. Berezhkovskii, NIH and Karpov Inst. Phys. Chem. (Moscow)
- Title: Kinetics of diffusion controlled reactions: From traditional theories to new approaches
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Thomas Wenger, Northwestern University
- Title: On an Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence in the theory of mixed Tate sheaves
Contact Info here
Tuesday, October 8, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Kamlesh Parwani, Northwestern
- Title: Monotone periodic orbits on surfaces
Contact Info here
Friday, October 11, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii, Boston University
- Title: Biophysics of the DNA molecule
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, October 12, 2002
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 12-2pm
- Professor D. Nadler, University of Chicago
- Title: The geomteric Satake isomorphism
Contact Info here
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Jiangfeng Liang, Northwestern University
- Title: Smoothing Effect at a Focal Point for Semilinear Wave Equations
Special Note: Special Time!
Contact Info here
Thursday, October 17, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Luigi Lugiato, Università dell'Insubria
- Title: Cavity solitons in semiconductor microresonators
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
The Twenty-Fourth Midwest Probability Colloquium
- 2:00pm Professor Yuval Peres,
University of California, Berkeley
Title: Critical percolation and minimal spanning forests
Details of the talk
- 3:00pm Professor Balint Virag,
Title: Fast graphs for the random walker
Details of the talk
- 4:30pm Professor Yuval Peres,
University of California, Berkeley
Title: Evolving sets, conductance and mixing
Details of the talk
Friday, October 18, 2002
- 3:00pm Oded Schramm,
Title: Scaling limits of two-dimensional statistical physics: Percolation, uniform spanning trees and beyond, I
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 4:30pm Professor Amir Dembo,
Stanford University
Title: Late points and cover times
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
Saturday, October 19, 2002
- 9:30am Oded Schramm,
Title: Scaling limits of two-dimensional statistical physics: Percolation, uniform spanning trees and beyond, II
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 1:00pm Professor Fraydoun Rezakhanlon,
University of California, Berkeley
Title: Kinetic limits for interacting particle systems
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
Monday, October 21, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. J. Pedlosky, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
- Title: Rossby waves in irregular basins
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Robet Pollack, University of Chicago
- Title: Iwasawa theory: Class numbers to elliptic curves
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 12-2pm
- Professor K. Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: More Langlands
Contact Info here
Friday, October 25, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Alan Perelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Title: Modeling Viral Infections in Humans
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Mikhail Feldman, University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Title: Existence and stability of multidimensional steady transonic shocks in the whole space
Special Note: Special Time!!
Contact Info here
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Professor A. Polishchuk, Boston University
- Title: Holomorphic vector bundles on noncommutative tori
Contact Info here
Monday, October 28, 2002
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Nathan Wodarz, Northwestern University
- Title: Polynomial homology theories
Contact Info here
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jae-Suk Park,
- Title: d-algebras, d-manifolds and quantum field theories
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 101, 12-2pm
- Professor D. Tamarkin, Northwestern University
- Title: Tate's thesis
Contact Info here
Thursday, October 31, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Professor Isaac Kornfeld, North Dakota State University
- Title: Coboundaries of measure preserving transformations, Rokhlin's lemma, and related problems
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 216, 2:00pm
- Daniel Davis, Northwestern University
- Title: The Lubin-Tate spectrum E_n as a continuous G_n-spectrum and its homotopy fixed point spectra
Special Note: The talk is at 2:00 in the conference room.
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 1, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- John Tyson, Virginia Tech
- Title: CyberYeast: Computational Models of Cell Cycle Regulation
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 4, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. K. Gurski, N.I.S.T.
- Title: The effect of anisotropic surface energy and contact lines and the Rayleigh instability
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Dmitry Tamarkin, Northwestern University
- Title: Transitivity of action of the Grothendieck-Teichmuller group on the chain operad of little disks
Contact Info here
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Christian Haesemeyer , Northwestern University
- Title: Some computations in semitopological K-theory
Contact Info here
Wednesday, November 6, 2002
- Special Seminar
Leverone Hall G40, 4:00pm
- Professor Yakov Sinai, Princeton University
- Title: (3x+1) and Other Number-Theoretic Dynamical Systems
Special Note: Lecture for the general public.
Contact Info here
Thursday, November 7, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Professor Leo Butler, Northwestern University
- Title: The Toda Lattice and Positive-Entropy Integrable Systems
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 8, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Yakov Sinai, Princeton University
- Title: 1D Burgers Equation with Random Forcing
Abstract and details available
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Alexander Grosberg, University of Minnesota
- Title: Toy Proteins Functioning Like a Machine
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 11, 2002
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Stewart Priddy, Northwestern University
- Title: A cohomological approach to automorphism group rings
Contact Info here
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor David Ben-Zvi, University of Chicago
- Title: Solitons and D-modules
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor John Franks, Northwestern University
- Title: Actions of lattices on low-dimensional manifolds
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 14, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Professor Lan Wen, Beijing University
- Title: On the C^1 density conjecture of Palis
Contact Info here
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Nikolai Nadirashvili, University of Chicago
- Title: The local embedding problem for surfaces
Contact Info here
Friday, November 15, 2002
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- M.L. Zeeman, University of Texas, San Antonio
- Title: Title: Modeling the LH surge in the human menstrual cycle.
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00pm
- Mark A. Pearson, Northwestern University
- Title: The Morava K-theory of homotopy orbit spaces: some good results
Special Note: Note the unusual time and day
Contact Info here
Monday, November 18, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. K. Elder, Oakland University
- Title: Modeling elasticity with phase field crystals
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jim McClure, Purdue University
- Title: Cosimplicial objects and little n-cubes
Contact Info here
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Tom Bridgeland, Edinburgh University
- Title: The Fourier-Mukai transform
Contact Info here
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Yanyan Li, Rutgers University
- Title: A Liouville theorem for solutions of the Monge-Ampere equation with periodic data
Special Note: Special Seminar, Special Time!
Contact Info here
Thursday, November 21, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Professor Yakov Sinai, Princeton University
- Title: The Navier Stokes equation
Contact Info here
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 102, 2:00pm
- Professor Antonio Sa Barreto, Purdue University
- Title: Radiation fields on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
Special Note: Note unusual time, location.
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory Seminar
Lunt 104, 4-6pm
- Professor W. Schmid, Harvard University
- Title: Automorphic forms and L-functions
Contact Info here
Friday, November 22, 2002
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Wilfried Schmid, Harvard University
- Title: Voronoi Summation for GL(3)
Contact Info here
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Luis Amaral, Northwestern
- Title: Complex Networks in Nature
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00pm
- Jeffrey Brock, University of Chicago
- Title: The Weil-Petersson metric, pants decompositions, and volumes of hyperbolic surface bundles.
Special Note: Note special time and place
Contact Info here
Monday, December 2, 2002
- ESAM Colloquium
Tech M416, 4:00PM
- Prof. M. Khenner, SUNY Buffalo
- Title: Models for selective area epitaxial crystal growth
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Jesper Grodal, University of Chicago
- Title: p-compact groups and p-local groups
Contact Info here
Thursday, December 5, 2002
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Professor Cheng Chong-Qing, Nanjing University
- Title: Variational Construction of Connecting Orbits around Hyperbolic Torus
Contact Info here
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science
Tech M416, 2:00PM
- Greg Forest, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Title: Laminar flows of nematic polymers: molecular theory and averaged descriptions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Professor Archil Gulisashvili, Ohio University, Athens
- Title: Nonautonomous classes of measures and Feynman-Kac propagators
Special Note: Joint with Analysis/Probability Seminar
Contact Info here
Friday, December 6, 2002
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Jaume Aguade , University of Barcelona
- Title: Kac-Moody groups from a homotopy point of view
Special Note: Note the unusual day and room.
Abstract and details available
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Stephane JUNCA, University Nice (France)
- Title: Geometric optics for one dimensional conservation laws with two scale in BV
Contact Info here
Monday, December 9, 2002
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Professor Daniel Biss, University of Chicago
- Title: The combinatorics of smooth manifolds
Contact Info here
Thursday, December 12, 2002
- PDE Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Professor Stephane JUNCA, University of Nice, France
- Title: Geometric optics for one dimensional conservation laws with two scale in BV
Contact Info here
Wednesday, December 15, 2002
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Dan Margalit, University of Chicago
- Title: Topology vs. algebra in mapping class groups
Contact Info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 3pm
- Dan Margalit, University of Chicago
- Title: Topology vs. algebra in mapping class groups
Contact Info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 3pm
- Dan Margalit, University of Chicago
- Title:
Contact Info here
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Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University.