Northwestern University Mathematical Calendar

Previous Entries
Year 2004

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Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Representation Theory Seminar Lunt 107, 2-4pm
Professor Paul Goerss, Northwestern University
Title: Algberaic geometry of formal groups and stable homotopy theory
Contact Info here

Friday, January 9, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
H.-G. Purwins, University of Muenster, Germany
Title: Dissipative solitons in physical systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, January 12, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. A. Rucklidge, U. Leeds
Title: Boundary Effects and the Onset of Taylor Vortices
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

PDE Seminar Lunt 105 , 4:10pm
Professor Mihalis Dafermos, MIT
Title: A proof of Price's law and the problem of stability for black holes
Special Note: Special Time
Contact Info here
Representation Theory Seminar Lunt 107, 2-4pm
Professor Paul Goerss, Northwestern
Title: Formal groups and homotopy theory
Contact Info here

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Izzet Coskun, Harvard University
Title: Characteristic Numbers For Surfaces
Abstract and details available

Friday, January 16, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Jeff Moehlis, University of California, Santa Barbara
Title: The Response Dynamics of Neural Oscillator Populations
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, January 19, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. F. Bloom, Northern Illinois University
Title: Modeling Pulse Combustor Driven Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Enhancement
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Y. Eliashberg, Stanford University
Title: Deformation of Stein Manifolds
Contact Info here

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:30pm
Max Lieblich, MIT
Title: Moduli of Twisted Sheaves and Azumaya Algebras
Special Note: special time
Abstract and details available
Representation Theory Seminar Lunt 107, 2-4pm
Professor Goerss, Northwestern
Title: The algebraic geometry of formal group laws and stable homotopy theory
Contact Info here

Thursday, January 22, 2004

PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Walter Craig, McMaster University
Title: Hamiltonian PDE and Small Divisors
Abstract and details available

Friday, January 23, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Walter Craig, McMaster University
Title: Traveling Water Waves
Abstract and details available
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
C. McKinstrie, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Title: Phase jitter in soliton communication systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Special Seminar Lunt 105, 3:00pm
Professor Cleopatra Christoforou, Brown University
Title: Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws by Vanishing Viscosity
Contact Info here

Monday, January 26, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Note unusual location: Tech M345, 4:00PM
Prof. M. Short, UIUC
Title: Structure and Dynamics of Flames in Microchannels
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Tony Elmendorf, Purdue-Calumet and Northwestern
Title: Multicategories in K-theory and stable homotopy
Contact Info here

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Representation Theory Seminar Lunt 107, 2-4pm
No speaker,
Title: Discussion
Contact Info here

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Dr. Ionel Popescu, MIT
Title: Morse Inequalities, a Probabilistic View
Contact Info here
Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Paul Horja, University of Michigan
Title: Hypergeometric functions and homological mirror symmetry
Abstract and details available

Friday, January 30, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
none, none
Title: no seminar due to NSF site visit of the IGERT program
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, February 2, 2004

Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Kazufumi Shimano, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Title: Viscosity solutions for a class of infinite systems of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and their diffusion limit
Contact Info here
ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. M. Glicksman, RPI
Title: Topological Analysis of Network Structures in 3D
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Vahagn Minasian,
Title: Splitting criteria for algebras over operads
Contact Info here

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Representation Theory Seminar Lunt 107, 2-4pm
Professor Matt Emerton, Northwestern
Title: The local Langlands conjecture and the Carayol conjecture
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor ,
Title: Ricci Flow and the Poincare's Conjecture
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor ,
Title: Ricci Flow and the Poincare's Conjecture
Contact Info here

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Lawrence Ein, UIC
Title: Space of arcs and singularity of pairs
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Plamen Stefanov, Purdue
Title: Boundary rigidity of Riemannian manifolds
Abstract and details available

Friday, February 6, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
R. Morimoto, Northwestern University
Title: The Biological Response to the Stress of Misfolded Proteins: Neurodegenerative Disease and Aging
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, February 9, 2004

Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Richard Sowers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title: Random perturbations of certain flows on the torus
Contact Info here
ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. Y. Lvov, RPI
Title: Energy Spectra in the Ocean's Internal Wave Field: Theory and Observations
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Nero Budur, Johns Hopkins University
Title: Different views on singularities
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Zhongmin Qian, Northwestern University & Universite Paul-Sabatier (France)
Title: Ricci Flow and the Poincare's Conjecture
Contact Info here

Friday, February 13, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Tom Solomon, Bucknell University
Title: Reaction-advection-diffusion systems with chaotic advection
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, February 16, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. C. Muratov, NJIT
Title: Transmission of Autocrine Signals in Epithelial Layers: Modeling and Analysis
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Prof. Geoffrey Powell, University of Paris 13
Title: Unstable Modules Revisited
Contact Info here

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

PDE Seminar ECE Conference Room L324, 3: 00 pm
Professor Chi-Wang Shu, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
Title: Locally Divergence-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Special Note: Joint seminar with ECE; special time and place
Abstract and details available

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Yuan-Pin Lee,
Title: Invariance of tautological equations and Gromov-Witten theory
Abstract and details available

Friday, February 20, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Ute Ebert, CWI Amsterdam
Title: Branching sparks --- the dynamics of electric breakdown
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, February 23, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. A. Neimark, Princeton University
Title: Statistical Mechanics and Monte Carlo Simulations of Phase Transformations and Nucleation in Nanoconfined Fluids
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Special Seminar Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Alina Marian, Harvard University
Title: Intersection theory on the moduli space of stable bundles
Abstract and details available

Tuesdat, February 24, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Alexander Braverman, Brown University
Title: Counting Instantons via affine Lie algebras
Contact Info here

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Osamu Fujino, Nagoya University & IAS
Title: Toric Mori theory
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Hailiang Liu, Iowa State University
Title: Computing Multi-Valued Physical Observables for the Schroedinger Equation
Contact Info here
Special Seminar Lunt 105, 3:00 pm
Heather Lehr, University of Texas
Title: Modeling Flow in Vuggy Porous Media
Abstract and details available

Friday, February 27, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Gemunu Gunaratne, University of Houston
Title: How to Find out when Bones may Break
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, March 1, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. A. Kapila, RPI
Title: Nonplanar Detonations in High-Energy Explosives
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Friday, March 5, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Alex Gaeta, Cornell University
Title: Nonlinear Wave Collapse of Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, March 8, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. A. Povitsky, U. Akron
Title: Fluid Dynamics Issues in the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

PDE Seminar Tech M120, 1:00 pm
Professor Chuck Gartland, Kent State University
Title: "Numerical Modeling of Periodic Structures in Liquid Crystal Films"
Special Note: Joint with Mechanical Eng. Special time and place
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor William Goldman, University of Maryland
Title: Flat Lorentz 3-Manifolds and 2-Dimensional Hyperbolic Geometry
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 3pm
Professor Mark Williams, University of North Carolina
Title: The small viscosity limit for multidimensional shocks I
Abstract and details available

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 3:00pm
Dr. Anna Talitskaya, Penn State
Title: Ergodicity and Hyperbolicity in Dynamical Systems
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Mark Williams, University of North Carolina
Title: The small viscosity limit for multidimensional shocks II
Abstract and details available

Friday, March 12, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Mark Newman, University Of Michigan
Title: Community structure in complex networks
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Mark Williams, University of North Carolina
Title: The small viscosity limit for multidimensional shocks III
Abstract and details available

Monday, March 15, 2004

Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Jonathan Taylor, Stanford University
Title: Critical points of smooth processes and suprema distributions
Abstract and details available

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Andrei Caldararu, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Desigularizing stable singularities: an example of Vafa and Witten
Special Note: special date
Abstract and details available
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Roman Grigoriev, Georgia Tech
Title: Chaotic mixing in microdroplets: theory and experiment
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. K. K. Tung, Univ. of Washington
Title: On 2D and QG Turbulence
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Neil Trudinger, Australian National University
Title: On the regularity of potentials in optimal transportation
Contact Info here

Monday, March 29, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. C. Cui, Northwestern University
Title: Flame Propagation in Channels: Effects of Heat Loss and Differential Diffusion
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Richard Melrose, MIT
Title: Index, determinant bundle and loop groups
Abstract and details available

Friday, April 2, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4.00pm
Professor Anton Kapustin, Department of Physics, Caltech
Title: Coisotropic submanifolds and mirror symmetry
Contact Info here
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Steven T. Cundiff, JILA, NIST
Title: Pulse dynamics in modelocked lasers
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, April 5, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. J. Choi, Northwestern University
Title: Effect of Lean Premixed Combustion on Near-Critical Swirling Flow
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Tony Elmendorf, Northwestern and Purdue-Calumet
Title: Introduction to spectra
Contact Info here

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Fred J. Hickernell, Hong Kong Baptist University
Title: Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Numerical Integration of Multivariate Functions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Thursday, April 8, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Anton Kapustin, Department of Physics, Caltech
Title: Non-commutative Geometry, Generalized Complex Structures and D-Branes
Abstract and details available

Friday, April 9, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Michael Brenner, Harvard University
Title: Packing spheres with capillary forces
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, April 12, 2004

Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Paul Goerss, Northwestern
Title: What is tmf?
Contact Info here

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Martin Markl, Mathematical Institute of the Academy
Title: Homotopy invariance in algebra I
Abstract and details available

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Tommaso de Fernex, U. Michigan
Title: String-theoretic Chern classes of singular varieties
Contact Info here

Friday, April 16, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Mark Saffman, University of Wisconsin
Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of intracavity second harmonic generation:
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Neil Trudinger, Australian National University
Title: On the regularity of potentials in optimal transportation
Contact Info here

Monday, April 19, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. D. Luss, Univ. of Houston
Title: Transversal temperature patterns on top of packed bed reactors
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Andrew Blumberg, University of Chicago
Title: S^1 equivariant infinite loop space theory
Contact Info here

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Vadim Vologodsky, University of Chicago
Title: Nonabelian Hodge theory in characteristic p
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Kari Vilonen, NU
Title: Topology of algebraic varieties and the Langlands program
Abstract and details available

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 2:45pm
Professor Anatoly Libgober, University of Illinois at Chicago
Title: McKay correspondence for elliptic genera.
Abstract and details available
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 3:00pm
Professor Giovanni Forni, Northwestern
Title: Weak mixing for suspensions of interval exchange transformations
Contact Info here
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Percy Deift, Courant Institute
Title: Universality for mathematical and physical systems
Abstract and details available

Friday, April 23, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Robert Ghrist, University of Illinois
Title: Optimal coordination in robotics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, April 26, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. I. Epstein, Brandeiss Univ.
Title: Chemistry in very small spaces: Pattern formation in microemulsions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Jeff Strom, Western Michigan
Title: A-Complexity and Good Spaces
Abstract and details available

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Martin Markl, Mathematical Institute of the Academy
Title: Homotopy invariance in algebra II
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Henry Cohn, Microsoft Research
Title: The densest lattice in twenty-four dimensions
Contact Info here

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Jean-Yves Welschinger , MSRI, École normale supérieure de Lyon
Title: Enumerative invariants of simple antibirational involutions on symplectic\r\n4-manifolds
Abstract and details available

Friday, April 30, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Dr. Linn F. Mollenauer, Bell Labs
Title: Ultra-Long-Haul Dense WDM with Dispersion-Managed Solitons: The paradox of best performance from this most nonlinear of transmission modes
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, May 3, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. S. Abarzhi, Stanford Univ.
Title: Nonlinear evolution of the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable fluid interface
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Ezra Getzler, Northwestern University
Title: Lie theory for differential graded Lie algebras
Contact Info here

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Dmitry Kaledin, Steklov Institute
Title: Mckay equivalence for symplectic quotient singularities.
Abstract and details available

Thursday, May 6, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Lunt 104, 4:00pm
Professor Chenchang Zhu, Berkeley
Title: Integrating Lie algebroids via stacks
Abstract and details available

Friday, May 7, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Robert Behringer, Duke University
Title: Science in the Sandbox: Forces and Flucutations in Granular Materials
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Saturday, May 8, 2004

PDE Seminar Eckhart Hall 206, University of Chicago, 10:00am
Title: Second Chicago-Area PDE Workshop
Special Note: Workshop schedule can be found at:
Abstract and details available

Monday, May 10, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. V. Entov, Russian Acad. Sci.
Title: Mathematics of enhanced oil recovery: Models, advances and open issues
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Matt Ando, University of Illinois
Title: Two constructions of E_\infty complex orientations of p-adic K-theory
Contact Info here

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Dmitry Tamarkin, Northwestern University
Title: Renormalization from the homotopy theoretical point of view
Contact Info here

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Alexei Kitaev, Caltech
Title: Topological quantum computation
Contact Info here

Friday, May 14, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Jerry Gollub, Haverford College and University of Pennsylvania
Title: Internal Structure of Granular Shear Flows*
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, May 17, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. George C. Papanicolaou, Stanford University
Title: Passive and Active Array Imaging in Clutter
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. George C. Papanicolaou, Stanford University
Title: High Capacity Communication Systems in Complex Environments
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Don Davis, Lehigh University
Title: Stable Geometric Dimension
Contact Info here

Friday, May 21, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Kevin Bassler, University of Houston
Title: The Evolution of Developmental Canalization in Networks of Competing Boolean Nodes
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Tom Bridgeland, Edinburgh
Contact Info here

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Geometry and Topology of String Theory
Contact Info here

Monday, May 24, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Geometry and Topology of String Theory
Contact Info here
ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. T. Jackson, Univ. of Illinois
Title: Recent advances in the numerical simulation of composite solid propellant combustion
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Maury Bramson, University of Minnesota
Title: Tightness for the minimum displacement of branching random walk and some other old problems
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Nick Kuhn , University of Virginia
Title: The periodic homology of infinite loopspaces
Abstract and details available

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Geometry and Topology of String Theory
Contact Info here
Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Elena Mantovan, Berkeley
Title: Moduli spaces of Barsotti-Tate groups with relation to the local Langlands correspondences
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Geometry and Topology of String Theory
Contact Info here

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Geometry/Physics Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Geometry and Topology of String Theory
Contact Info here

Friday, May 28, 2004

Algebra Seminar Garrett, All day
Title: Emphasis Year Conference - Workshop on noncommutative geometry and mirror symmetry
Contact Info here
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Joceline Lega, U. Arizona
Title: Instability of local deformations of an elastic filament
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, May 31, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. V. Entov, Russian Acad. Sci.
Title: Mathematics of enhanced oil recovery: Models, advances and open issues
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Friday, June 4, 2004

Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor K. C. Chang, Peking University and University of Wisconsin
Title: "Heat flow of the Plateau Problem for minimal surfaces"
Contact Info here

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Georg Biedermann, Bonn/UWO
Title: Interpolation categories for homology theories
Contact Info here
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor ,
Title: Testing
Abstract and details available
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor ,
Title: te
Abstract and details available
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Math,
Title: Test
Contact Info here
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Someone,
Title: Someting
Contact Info here

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Algebraic Cycles, K-Theory, and Modular Representation Theory Conference

Monday, September 20, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Alex Vladimirsky, Cornell University
Title: Ordered Upwind Methods for Approximating Invariant Manifolds
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Monday, September 27, 2004

Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Daniel Biss, University of Chicago
Title: K_g is not finitely generated
Contact Info here
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Paschalis Karageorgis,
Title: Existence and blow-up for nonlinear waves with potential
Contact Info here

Friday, October 1, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Hermann Riecke, Northwestern University, Engineering Sciences and Applied Math
Title: Persistence and Failure in Networks of Excitable Neurons with Local and Non-Local Connectivity
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, October 4, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Professor B. Nadler, Yale University Refreshments are served at 3:30PM
Title: Ionic Permeation Through Protein Channels and NonEquilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:45pm
Professor Michele Baldini, Northwestern University
Title: A new perspective on the invariant measure of a positive recurrent
Abstract and details available

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 107, 3:00pm
Professor Livio Flaminio, University Lille 1
Title: Cohomology for nilflows and applications
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Paschalis Karageorgis, Northwestern University
Title: Existence and blow-up for nonlinear waves with potential
Contact Info here

Friday, October 8, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Bruno Eckhardt, University of Marburg, Germany
Title: Transition to turbulence in pipe flow:new aspects of an old problem
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, October 11, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. Jih-Chiang Tsai, University of Pennsylvania
Title: Flows of densely packed granular particles: time evolution, shear banding, and reversal transients
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Elton P. Hsu, Northwestern University
Title: Characterizing Riemannian Brownian motion by integration by parts
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Mark Behrens, MIT
Title: The K(2)-local sphere and isogenies of elliptic curves
Contact Info here

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Midwest Probability Colloquium: Thursday's Program

Friday, October 15, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Princeton University
Title: Collective Motion and Mobile Sensor Networks
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Midwest Probability Colloquium

Monday, October 18, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. Igor Aronson, Argonne National Laboratory
Title: Self-Organization of Microtubules and Molecular Motors
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Ionel Popescu, Northwestern University
Title: Free entropy and random matrices
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Andrew Mauer-Oats, Northwestern University
Title: Derivatives of Monoids in Func(SimpGp,SimpGp)
Contact Info here

Thursday, October 21, 2004

PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Andras Vasy, Northwestern University
Title: Geometric optics and the wave equation on manifolds with corners
Contact Info here

Friday, October 22, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
John F. Marko, University of Illinois at Chicago
Title: Micromechanical study of proteins interacting with single DNA molecules
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 3:00pm
Professor Jonathan Mattingly, Duke University
Title: Malliavin Calculus and ergodicity of the full degenerate Navier-Stokes equation
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Alexander Goncharov, Brown University
Title: Positivity and higher Teichmuller theory
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Ravi Vakil, Stanford University
Contact Info here

Monday, October 25, 2004

Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 3:00pm
Professor John Imbrie, University of Virginia
Title: Supersymmetric Models of Self-Avoiding Walks
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Tai-Ping Liu, Stanford University
Title: Boltzmann Equation and Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Contact Info here
ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Professor Boris Khusid, N.J.I.T.
Title: Electric Field Driven Phenomena for Manipulating Particles in Micro- and Nano- Devices
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Mathematical Physics Seminar Lunt 107, 3:00pm
Professor Dima Tamarkin, Northwestern University
Title: Variational calculus and quantization, I
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Sundar Sethuraman, Iowa State University
Title: TBA
Contact Info here

Friday, October 29, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Kathleen C. Howell, Purdue University
Title: Spacecraft Mission Design in Multi-Body Regimes and the Application of Dynamical Systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, November 1, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
E. Demekhin, University of Notre Dame
Title: 3D Localized Coherent Structures of Surface Turbulence
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Martin Barlow, University of British Columbia
Title: Random walks on percolation clusters
Abstract and details available
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Fred Cohen, University of Rochester
Title: Self-maps of loop spaces
Abstract and details available

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Joel Kamnitzer, Berkeley
Title: Crystals, coboundary categories, and the moduli space of points on RP1
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Mathematical Physics Seminar Lunt 107, 3:00pm
Professor Dima Tamarkin, NU
Title: Variational calculus and quantization, II
Contact Info here

Thursday, November 4, 2004

PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Cleopatra Christoforou, Northwestern University
Title: Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws with Source and the Method of Vanishing Viscosity
Contact Info here

Friday, November 5, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Francesco Bullo, University of California at Santa Barbara
Title: Motion Coordination for Multi-Agent Networks: Algorithmic Design and Theoretical Framework
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available

Monday, November 8, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. Theodoros Horikis, Northwestern University
Title: Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers: Soliton Perturbation Theory
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Renming Song, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Title: Theory of Geometric Stable processes
Abstract and details available
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Mark Mahowald, Northwestern University
Title: The construction of a v_2^{32} self map of M(1,4) and applications
Contact Info here

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 105, 2:00 pm
Alexander Bufetov, Princeton University
Title: Decay of correlations for the Rauzy-Zorich induction and the central limit theorem for the Teichmueller flow
Abstract and details available

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Mathematical Physics Seminar Lunt 107, 3:00pm
Professor V. Toledano Laredo, Univ. Paris VI
Title: Flat Connections, braid groups and quantum groups
Abstract and details available
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Charles Doering, University of Michigan
Contact Info here

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Dynamical Systems Seminar TBA, 3:00pm
Danny Calegari, Caltech
Title: The Euler class of groups acting on the plane
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor Carlos Kenig, University of Chicago
Title: TBA
Contact Info here

Friday, November 12, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Mitra Hartmann, Northwestern University
Title: Hardware Models for Studying Sensory Coding in the Nervous System
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 103, 3:00pm
Radu Saghin, Northwestern
Title: C^1 generic properties of symplectic\r\ndiffeomorphisms
Contact Info here

Monday, November 15, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. Raymond Kapral, University of Toronto
Title: Fluctuations, Reactions and Fronts: Mesoscopic Dynamics of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Analysis and Probability Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Professor Tiefeng Jiang, University of Minnesota
Title: How many typical entries of an orthogonal matrix can be approximated by independent normals?
Abstract and details available
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Donald Yau, University of Illinois
Title: Cohomology and deformations of lambda-rings
Abstract and details available

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Dynamical Systems Seminar Lunt 103, 3:00pm
Radu Saghin, Northwestern
Title: C^1 generic properties of symplectic diffeomorphisms
Contact Info here

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Mathematical Physics Seminar Lunt 107, 3:00pm
Professor Alexei Kitaev , Caltex
Title: Topological Quantum Computing
Contact Info here

Thursday, November 18, 2004

PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Boris Tsygan, Northwestern
Title: Index theorem for integral transforms
Contact Info here

Friday, November 19, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Jean-Pierre Nadal, ENS, Paris
Title: Neural computation in the cerebellum (and elsewhere): what silent synapses tell us
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Colloquium Lunt 105, 4:00pm
Professor David Ben-Zvi, University of Texas
Title: Real groups and Langlands duality
Abstract and details available

Monday, November 22, 2004

Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Randy McCarthy,
Title: On the Witt group of a bimodule
Abstract and details available

Monday, November 29, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Prof. Sascha Hilgenfeldt, Northwestern University
Title: Foam Bubbles: The Importance of Being Isotropic
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Algebra Seminar Lunt 107, 3pm
Tibor Beke, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Title: Isoperimetric inequalities and Friedlander's conjecture
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Tony Elmendorf, Purdue University- Calumet
Title: TBA
Contact Info here

Friday, December 3, 2004

Interdisciplinary Seminar in Nonlinear Science Tech M416, 2:00PM
Eric Klavins, University of Washington
Title: Self-Organizing Robotic Systems
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Algebra Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Roman Fedorov, University of Chicago
Title: Algebraic and hamiltonian approaches to isostokes deformations
Abstract and details available

Monday, December 6, 2004

ESAM Colloquium Tech M416, 4:00PM
Dr. Paul Fischer, Argonne National Laboratory
Title: Recent Advances in Higher Order Numerical Methods with Applications to Vascular Flows
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Michael Mandell, Cambridge University
Title: Monoidal categories from ring spectra
Abstract and details available
PDE Seminar Lunt 105, 4:10pm
Colin Guillarmou, Purdue
Contact Info here

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Mathematical Physics Seminar Lunt 107 (or wherever we find a room), 3:00pm
Professor David Ben-Zvi, Northwestern and UT Austin
Title: Hilbert Schemes, Perverse Bundles and D-Bundles
Abstract and details available
Algebra Seminar Lunt 104 (or wherever we find a room), 4:10pm
Roman Fedorov, University of Chicago
Title: Algebraic and hamiltonian approaches to Isostokes deformations
Abstract and details available
Topology Seminar Lunt 104, 4:10pm
Professor Tony Elmendorf, Purdue University Calumet
Title: New constructions for the K-theory of categories
Contact Info here

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