Northwestern University Mathematical Calendar
Entries From
Academic Year 2015-2016
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Monday, September 21, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Costante Bellettini, Princeton University
- Title: Compactness questions for triholomorphic maps
Abstract and details available
Thursday, September 24, 2015
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Valentino Tosatti, Northwestern
- Title: An introduction to compensated compactness
Abstract and details available
Monday, September 28, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Elton P. Hsu, Northwestern University
- Title: Stochastic Completeness of the Bergman Metric
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Yunqing Tang, Harvard University
- Title: Algebraic solutions of differential equations over the projective line minus three points
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Rob Legg, NU
- Title: The Picard group in chromatic homotopy theory
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Jason Siefken, Northwestern
- Title: A Minimal Subsystem of the Kari-Culik Tilings
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Prof. Steven Zelditch, Northwestern University
- Title: Zeros of random polynomials
Contact Info here
Thursday, October 1, 2015
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 101, 1:00pm
- Harold Williams, UT Austin
- Title: Pre-talk on Moduli Spaces of Microlocal Sheaves and Cluster Combinatorics
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Harold Williams, UT Austin
- Title: Moduli Spaces of Microlocal Sheaves and Cluster Combinatorics
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Jianchun Chu, Peking University / Northwestern
- Title: \(C^{2,α}\) estimates for some nonlinear elliptic equations of second order in geometry
Abstract and details available
Friday, October 2, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Jose Alejandro Samper Casas, University of Washington
- Title: Matroid theory: Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics.
Abstract and details available
Monday, October 5, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Alexander Drewitz, Columbia University
- Title: The maximal particle of branching random walk in random environment
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Ana Caraiani, Princeton University
- Title: On vanishing of torsion in the cohomology of Shimura varieties
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Sarah Yeakel, UIUC
- Title: A chain rule for Goodwillie calculus
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Wenbo Sun, Northwestern University
- Title: Pointwise multiple averages for systems with commuting transformations
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Subrho Gosh, Princeton University
- Title: Rigidity phenomena in random point sets
Abstract and details available
Thursday, October 8, 2015
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- David Treumann, Boston College
- Title: The Maslov cycle and the J-homomorphism
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Teng Fei, MIT
- Title: Some new solutions to the Strominger system
Abstract and details available
The 37th Midwest Probability Colloquium
- 02:45pm Kavita Ramanan,
Brownin University
Title: Scaling Limits of Stochastic Networks, I
Details of the talk
- 04:10pm Kavita Ramanan,
Brownin University
Title: Scaling Limits of Stochastic Networks, II
Details of the talk
Friday, October 9, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Sean Pohorence,
- Title: For better or for Morse
Abstract and details available
The 37th Midwest Probability Colloquium
- 03:00pm Marek Biskup,
Title: Extreme Values of 2D Gaussian Free Fields, I
Details of the talk
- 04:30pm Masha Gordina,
University of Connecticut
Title: Stochastic Analysis and Geometric Functional Inequalities
Details of the talk
Saturday, October 10, 2015
- 09:00am Marek Biskup,
Title: Extreme Values of 2D Gaussian Free Fields, II
Details of the talk
- 10:30am Eyal Lubetzky,
New York University
Title: Random Walks on the Random Graph
Details of the talk
- 01:30pm Marcel Nutz,
Columbia University
Title: Martingale Optimal Transport
Details of the talk
Monday, October 12, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Ewain Gwynne, MIT
- Title: Scaling limit of the topological structure of critical Fortuin-Kasteleyn planar maps
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Christian Johansson, IAS
- Title: Overconvergent modular forms using perfectoid modular curves
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Jesse Wolfson, Chicago
- Title: Counting problems and homological stability
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Daniel Cuzzocreo, Northwestern
- Title: Parameter space structures for perturbations of \(z^n\).
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Induction and Recurrences
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Antonio Auffinger, Northwestern University
- Title: Critical points of random functions in high dimensions
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Frances Searle Room 2378, 2:00pm
- Kari Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: Geometric Langlands I
Contact Info here
Thusday, October 15, 2015
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Elton Hsu,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Analysis
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
, 1:00pm
- Ezra Getzler,
- Title: Introduction to the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism (Pretalk)
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Ezra Getzler,
- Title: The Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and supergravity
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Ben Weinkove, Northwestern
- Title: Two-point maximum principles
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Tech LG72, 3:30pm
- Yifeng Liu, Northwestern University
- Title: Introduction to p-adic geometry II
Contact Info here
Friday, October 16, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Elden Elmanto,
- Title: Contractibility in Algebraic Geometry
Abstract and details available
Monday, October 19, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Sandy Zabell, Northwestern University
- Title: German mathematicians and cryptology during World War II
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Ziyang Gao, IAS
- Title: Recent developments on the André-Oort conjecture
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Sander Kupers, Stanford
- Title: \(E_n\) cells and homological stability
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Yair Hartman, Northwestern
- Title: Property (T) and the Furstenberg entropy of non-singular actions
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Inequalities
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Antonio Auffinger, Northwestern University
- Title: Critical points of random functions in high dimensions II
Contact Info here
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Frances Searle Room 2378, 2:00 pm
- Kari Vilonen, Northwestern University
- Title: Geometric Langlands II
Contact Info here
Thursday, October 22, 2015
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Guchuan Li,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Number Theory
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 101, 1:00pm
- Hans Jocker, University of Bonn
- Title: Pretalk on the Quantum Geometry of 2d Gauge Theories
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Hans Jockers, University of Bonn
- Title: The Quantum Geometry of 2d Gauge Theories
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Valentino Tosatti, Northwestern
- Title: An introduction to compensated compactness II
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Tech LG72, 3:30 pm
- Yifeng Liu, Northwestern University
- Title: Introduction to p-adic geometry III
Contact Info here
Friday, October 23, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Dylan Wilson,
- Title: From square roots to modern algebraic geometry
Abstract and details available
Monday, October 26, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Dhagash Mehta, University of Notre Dame
- Title: Random energy landscapes and computational algebraic geometry methods
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Erick Knight, Harvard University
- Title: A p-adic Jacquet-Langlands Correspondence
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Vesna Stojanoska, UIUC
- Title: So many dualities, so little time
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Emmanuel Roy, University of Paris XIII
- Title: Introduction to Poisson suspensions
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Elton Hsu,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Analysis
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Robert Chang, Northwestern University
- Title: Quantum ergodicity of Wigner induced random orthonormal basis of spherical harmonics on S^2
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Frances Searle Room 2378, 2:00 pm
- Tsao-Hsien Chen, Northwestern University
- Title: Geometric Langlands III
Contact Info here
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
- Yamabe Lecture
Lunt 105, 04:10pm
- Gerhard Huisken, MFO Oberwolfach and Tubingen University
- Title: Mean curvature flow with surgery for 2-convex embedded hypersurfaces in Riemannian 3-manifolds
Contact Info here
Thursday, October 29, 2015
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Kate Juschenko,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Inequalities
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 101, 1:00pm
- Pavel Mnev,
- Title: Pretalk on Quantum BV theories on manifolds with boundary
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Pavel Mnev, MPIM
- Title: Quantum BV theories on manifolds with boundary
Special Note: Note special place and time
Abstract and details available
- Yamabe Lecture
Lunt 105, 04:10pm
- Gerhard Huisken, MFO Oberwolfach and Tubingen University
- Title: Concepts of mass in asymptotically flat 3-manifolds
Contact Info here
Friday, October 30, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Elton Hsu, Northwestern University
- Title: What is Brownian Motion and How to Use It?
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 2, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Daniele Valtorta, EPFL
- Title: Sharp estimates on the singular sets of harmonic maps
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Samit Dasgupta, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Title: On the higher rank Gross-Stark conjecture
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Ben Antieau, UIC
- Title: Topological obstructions for algebraic objects
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Van Cyr, Bucknell University
- Title: Zero entropy symbolic dynamical systems
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Polynomials
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Robert Chang, Northwestern University
- Title: Quantum ergodicity of Wigner induced random orthonormal basis of spherical harmonics on S^2
Contact Info here
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Van Cyr, Bucknell University
- Title: Zero entropy symbolic dynamical systems
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 5, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Van Cyr, Bucknell University
- Title: Zero entropy symbolic dynamical systems
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 101, 1:00pm
- Shamil Shakirov, Harvard
- Title: TBA
Special Note: Note special time and place
Contact Info here
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Greg Edwards, Northwestern
- Title: The Kähler-Ricci flow on elliptic surfaces
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Tech LG72, 3:30 pm
- Vlad Serban, Northwestern University
- Title: Introduction to p-adic geometry IV
Contact Info here
Friday, November 6, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Paul Goerss, John Alongi,
- Title: Forum: Talking about Calculus in the Math Department
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 9, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Xue-Mei Li, University of Warwick
- Title: Stochastic Homogenisation On Homogeneous Spaces
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Karin Leiderman ,
- Title: Mathematical Modeling of Thrombus Formation Under Flow
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Florian Herzig, University of Toronto
- Title: On mod p local-global compatibility for GL_3 in the ordinary case
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Nerses Aramyan, UIUC
- Title: The Integration Pairing and Extended Topological Field Theories
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Pat Hooper, CUNY
- Title: Rel leaves of the Arnoux-Yoccoz surfaces
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Number Theory (2)
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 103, 1:00pm
- Paolo Rossi, CNRS
- Title: Cohomological field theories (pre-talk)
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Paolo Rossi, CNRS
- Title: Double ramification cycle and integrable hierarchies
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Xavier Garcia, Northwestern University
- Title: Nevanlinna Theory and Brownian Motion
Abstract and details available
- Representation Theory and p-adic Geometry
Frances Searle Room 2378, 2:00 pm
- Laurent Fargues, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
- Title: Geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence
Contact Info here
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 04:00pm
- Daniele Angella, University of Florence
- Title: Cohomologies and special metrics for non-Kähler manifolds
Special Note: Note the special time and day
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 12, 2015
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Peter Samuelson, University of Iowa
- Title: The Homfly skein and elliptic Hall algebras
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 13, 2015
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Paul VanKoughnett,
- Title: Possibility and provability
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 16, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Xin Sun, MIT
- Title: Bi-Laplacian Gaussian field and Uniform Spanning Forests
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Jasmine Foo ,
- Title: Understanding the cancer field effect
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Jessica Fintzen, Harvard University
- Title: Stable vectors in the Moy-Prasad filtration
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Tomer Schlank, MIT
- Title: Ultra-Products and Chromatic Homotopy Theory
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Mike Cantrell, University of Illinois, Chicago
- Title: Ergodic Theory and Rigidity of Nilpotent Groups
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Generating Functions, Telescoping, Symmetries.
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Peng Zhou, Northwestern University
- Title: Nodal set of random Hermite polynomials.
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Emmy Murphy, MIT
- Title: Flexibility in symplectic and contact geometry
Abstract and details available
Thursday, November 19, 2015
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- John Lesieutre, UIC
- Title: Varieties with infinitely many Fourier-Mukai partners
Abstract and details available
Friday, November 20, 2015
- Algebra Seminar
lunt 103, 3:00pm
- Elisabeth Fink,
- Title: Morse geodesics in lacunary hyperbolic groups
Abstract and details available
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Gang Liu, University of California, Berkeley
- Title: On the uniformization conjecture of Yau and related problems
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 23, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Bing Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Title: Regularity scale and convergence of the Calabi flow
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Silas Johnson, Northwestern University
- Title: Alternate discriminants for number fields
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Mark Behrens, Notre Dame
- Title: The bo-Adams spectral sequence
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Talia Fernos, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Title: The Poisson-Furstenberg Boundary and CAT(0) Cube Complexes
Abstract and details available
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Counting and Probability
Abstract and details available
Monday, November 30, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00pm
- Max Engelstein, University of Chicago
- Title: (Special Time)The Structure of the Singular Set of a Two-Phase Free Boundary Problem for Harmonic Measure
Special Note: Special Time
Abstract and details available
- Bellow Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Nalini Anantharaman, Université de Strasbourg
- Title: Quantum ergodicity on riemannian manifolds
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Miranda Holmes-Cerfon ,
- Title: Kinetics of particles with short-ranged interactions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Bjorn Poonen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Title: Most odd degree hyperelliptic curves have only one rational point
Special Note: Please note the special time.
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
- Bellow Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Nalini Anantharaman, Université de Strasbourg
- Title: Quantum ergodicity on large graphs I: regular graphs
Contact Info here
- Elementary Math Challenges
Lunt 104, 6:00pm
- Miguel A. Lerma,
- Title: Elementary Math Challenges on Easy Putnam Problems
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- David Treumann, Boston College
- Title: Functoriality, Smith theory, and the Brauer homomorphism
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
- Bellow Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Nalini Anantharaman, Université de Strasbourg
- Title: Quantum ergodicity on graphs II : perspectives on other models
Contact Info here
Thursday, December 3, 2015
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10
- Omer Tamuz, Caltech
- Title: Normal amenable subgroups of the automorphism group of the full shift
Abstract and details available
Monday, December 7, 2015
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Or Hershkovits, Courant Institute
- Title: Mean Curvature Flow of Reifenberg Sets.
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. Wenxiao Pan of The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ,
- Title: Mesoscale Modeling of Complex Fluids and Materials
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. Ivana Bozic of Harvard University ,
- Title: Stochastic evolutionary modeling of cancer development and
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Thursday, December 10, 2015
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Guillaume Roy-Fortin, Northwestern
- Title: \(L^q\) norms and nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 4, 2016
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Vivek Pal, Columbia University
- Title: The Hasse principle for K3 surfaces
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Ezra Getzler, Northwestern
- Title: The derived Maurer-Cartan locus
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Pengfei Zhang, University of Mississippi
- Title: Convex billiards on convex spheres
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Giulio Tiozzo, Yale University
- Title: The core entropy of quadratic polynomials
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 7, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Sabetta Matsumoto, Harvard University
- Title: Biomimetic 4D Printing
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 11, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Stanley Snelson, University of Chicago
- Title: Weak harmonic map flows with singular targets
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr. Enkeleida Lushi, Brown University
- Title: Active micro-particles in free space and confinement
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Jeff Achter, Colorado State University
- Title: On descending cohomology geometrically
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Quoc Ho, University of Chicago
- Title: Free factorization algebras and homology of configuration spaces in algebraic geometry
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Vaughn Climenhaga, University of Houston
- Title: SRB measures and Young towers for surface diffeomorphisms
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Maksym Radziwill, Rutgers University
- Title: The multiplicative structure of consecutive integers
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 14, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Brian Camley, University of California, San Diego
- Title: Emergent collective chemotaxis without single-cell gradient sensing
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Paul Bressler , Universidad de los Andes, Bogota
- Title: Quasi-classical limit in deformation quantization
Abstract and details available
Friday, January 15, 2016
- Number Theory
Lunt 105, 4:00PM
- Ana Caraiani, Princeton University
- Title: Locally symmetric spaces and torsion classes
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 104, 3:00PM
- Antonio Auffinger, Northwestern University
- Title: Concentration Inequalities
Contact Info here
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Greg Chadwick, University of Maryland
- Title: A look at genera in algebraic topology
Abstract and details available
Thursday, January 21, 2016
- Algebra Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Mathew Kennedy, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Title: Furstenberg boundary and C*-simplicity
Contact Info here
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Shravan Veerapaneni, University of Michigan
- Title: Fast Algorithms for Particulate Flows
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Friday, January 22, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Greg Edwards, Northwestern
- Title: The Kähler-Ricci flow on elliptic surfaces
Abstract and details available
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Aaron Peterson, Northwestern University
- Title: Boundary Problems in C^n
Abstract and details available
Monday, January 25, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Mattia Gazzola, Havard University
- Title: Inverse design of swimming dynamics
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Daniel Schultheis, University of Minnesota
- Title: Intersection Theory: How a Straight Line Tells You What Space You Live In
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Jon Chaika, University of Utah
- Title: Circle averages on translation surfaces.
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
- Algebra Seminar
104, 4:00pm
- Collin Bleak,
- Title: On Thompson's groups
Contact Info here
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Neha Gupta, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
- Title: Geometric Group Theory and Untangling Ear-Phones
Abstract and details available
Friday, January 29, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Martha Precup,
- Title: Combinatorial properties of Springer fibers
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Ben Weinkove, Northwestern
- Title: The Fundamental Gap Conjecture
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 1, 2016
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Vlad Serban, Northwestern University
- Title: On p-adic strengthenings of the Manin-Mumford conjecture
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Vassily Gorbunov, University of Aberdeen
- Title: 6 vertex quantum integrable system and cohomology of Grassmanians
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Collin Bleak, University of St Andrews
- Title: On automorphisms of the Higman groups G_{n,r} and of the full one sided shift on n-letters
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Aukosh Jagganath, NYU
- Title: Low temperature asymptotics in spherical mean field spin glasses
Contact Info here
Friday, February 5, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Tim Austin, NYU
- Title: Random walks in random sceneries
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Ben Weinkove, Northwestern
- Title: The Fundamental Gap Conjecture
Abstract and details available
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Midwest Topology Seminar
Monday, February 8, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Benedek Valko, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Title: Random matrices, differential operators and carousels
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Joel Specter, Northwestern University
- Title: Coxeter representations appearing in the cohomology of hyperplane complements
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Erez Nesharim, Tel Aviv University
- Title: Existence of badly approximable vectors in fractals
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Cheng Ouyang, UIC
- Title: Existence and regularity of local time for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motions
Abstract and details available
Friday, February 12, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Peter Kleinhenz,
- Title: Phantom Traffic Jams
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Morgan Sherman, California Polytechnic State University
- Title: An explicit construction of extremal metrics on a ruled complex surface
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 15, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4.10pm
- Connor Mooney, University of Texas, Austin
- Title: Counterexamples to Sobolev regularity for degenerate Monge-Ampere equations
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Shuyang Cheng, University of Chicago
- Title: Nonlinear Fourier-Deligne transforms
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Aaron Brown, University of Chicago
- Title: Rigidity of actions of higher-rank lattices on tori and spheres
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Steve Zelditch, Northwestern University
- Title: Large deviations for zeros of random polynomials
Abstract and details available
Friday, February 19, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Lei Wu,
- Title: Algebraic constructions of vanishing cycles and Beilinson's gluing functors for holonomic D-modules
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Steve Zelditch, Northwestern
- Title: Partial Bergman kernel asymptotics
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 22, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- William Feldman, University of Chicago
- Title: Homogenization of Oscillating Boundary Data
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Laura Sticker, Max-Planck Gesallschaft, Munchen Germany
- Title: Numerical study of artificial microswimmers propelled by
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Stefan Patrikis, University of Utah
- Title: Deformations of Galois representations and exceptional monodromy
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- David Gepner, Purdue
- Title: On the stable homotopy theory of stacks and elliptic cohomology
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Daniil Rudenko, HSE, Moscow
- Title: Goncharov conjectures and functional equations for polylogarithms
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Heng Guo, Northwestern University
- Title: Hypoelliptic Laplacian and probability (after J.-M. Bismut)
Contact Info here
Friday, February 26, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Kaitlin Hill, PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Northwestern
- Title: Nonsmooth dynamical systems and Arctic sea ice
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Jianchun Chu, Peking University / Northwestern
- Title: Regularity of psh envelopes
Abstract and details available
Monday, February 29, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:00pm
- Fabricio Macia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Title: What is Second Micrlocalization and what is it good for
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Jack Shotton, University of Chicago
- Title: Local deformation rings when \(l \neq p\)
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Marc Hoyois, MIT
- Title: The A^1-homotopical classification of principal G-bundles
Special Note: Beware the early starting time
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- David Aucilino, University of Chicago
- Title: Higher Rank Orbit Closures in Genus 3
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Jian Ding , University of Chicago
- Title: First passage percolation on exponential of log-correlated Gaussian fields in two-dimensional lattice
Abstract and details available
Friday, March 4, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Xudong Zheng, UIC
- Title: Pathologies on surfaces in characteristic p
Abstract and details available
Monday, March 7, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Xiaoqin Guo, Purdue University
- Title: Einstein relation and steady states for the random conductance model
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington
- Title: Numerical modeling of tsunamis and other geohazards
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Xinwen Zhu, California Institute of Technology
- Title: Towards a p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Hannah Alpert, MIT
- Title: Morse broken trajectories and hyperbolic volume
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Amos Nevo, Technion
- Title: Spectral methods, ergodic theorems, and intrinsic Diophantine approximation.
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 107, 3:00PM
- Qi Feng, Purdue University
- Title: Log-Sobolev inequalities on the horizontal path space of a totally geodesic foliation
Abstract and details available
Friday, March 11, 2016
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:00pm
- Harald Helfgott,
- Title: The ternary Goldbach conjecture
Abstract and details available
Monday, March 28, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Jing Wang, UIUC
- Title: The stochastic area and Hopf fibrations
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
- Dynamical Systems Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Mehrdad Kalantar, Houston University
- Title: Operator-theoretic characterization of proximal flows of discrete groups
Abstract and details available
Thursday, March 31, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 105, 1pm
- Melody Chan, Brown University
- Title: Tropical geometry
Special Note:
Contact Info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Melody Chan, Brown University
- Title: Topology of the tropical moduli spaces of curves
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 1, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Alberto Fernandez Boix, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Title: Solution Sets of Polynomial Equations and Local Cohomology
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 04:00pm
- Valentino Tosatti, Northwestern
- Title: Pluripolar graphs are holomorphic
Abstract and details available
- Special Seminar
Lunt 105, 2:00pm
- Vassiliy Dolgushev , Temple University
- Title: The Intricate Maze of Graph Complexes
Abstract and details available
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Special Day on Nodal Sets of Random Functions
Monday, April 4, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Ernest Barreto, George Mason University
- Title: Collective dynamics in populations of oscillators
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Ernest Barreto, George Mason University
- Title: Collective dynamics in populations of oscillators
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Yu-Ting Chen, Harvard University
- Title: Non-uniqueness in SPDEs with non-Lipschitz noise coefficients
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 8, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Yajnaseni Dutta,
- Title: A cohomology that makes sense.
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 11, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 103, 4:10pm
- Young-Heon Kim, University of British Columbia
- Title: Optimal martingale transport in general dimensions
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Douglas Zhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Title: Sparsity and compressed coding in neuronal networks
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Douglas Zhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Title: Sparsity and compressed coding in neuronal networks
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Fabricio Macia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Title: Homogenization, dispersion and effective equations
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 14, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Jianchun Chu, Peking University / Northwestern
- Title: Complex Monge-Ampère equations with right hand side in $L^p$
Abstract and details available
Friday, April 15, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Mingyi Zhang,
- Title: 27 lines on a cubic surface
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 18, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Jessica Lin, University of Wisconsin
- Title: Stochastic Homogenization of Reaction-Diffusion Equations in Stationary-Ergodic and Isotropic Media
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Seppe Kuehn, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
- Title: Determinism and Contingency in Microbial Communities
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Kartik Prasanna, University of Michigan
- Title: Hodge classes on products of quaternionic Shimura varieties
Abstract and details available
- Special Event
Lunt Hall 107, 05:10pm
- Prof. Kartik Prasanna , University of Michigan
- Title: University of Michigan Graduate Program in Mathematics Information Session
Contact Info here
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Philip Egger, Northwestern
- Title: On 2-local finite complexes and v_2-self-maps
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Seppe Kuehn, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
- Title: Determinism and Contingency in Microbial Communities
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:10pm
- Claudia Scheimbauer, MPIM-Bonn
- Title: Derived symplectic geometry and AKSZ topological field theories
Abstract and details available
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Max Fathi, UC Berkeley
- Title: Entropic Ricci curvature and functional inequalities for Markov chains on discrete spaces
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 21, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
, 1:00pm
- Renzo Cavalieri, Colorado State University
- Title: Pretalk
Contact Info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Renzo Cavalieri, Colorado State University
- Title: Open Gromov-Witten Invariants of Toric Orbifolds and the CRC
Contact Info here
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Yu Wang, Northwestern
- Title: k-Rectifiability of a measure in $R^n$ under a Reifenberg-type condition
Contact Info here
Friday, April 22, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Victor Solórzano, ICMAT
- Title: Asymptotic distribution of eigenfunctions for perturbed harmonic oscillators
Abstract and details available
Monday, April 25, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Ian Tobasco, NYU
- Title: Energy scaling laws for compressed thin elastic sheets
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr.Asghar Esmaeeli, Southern Illinois University
- Title: Computational simulations of electrohydrodynamics of
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Haoran Wang, Michigan State University
- Title: Diagrams and mod p representations
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Ben Knudsen, Northwestern
- Title: Higher enveloping algebras and configuration spaces of manifolds
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr.Asghar Esmaeeli, Southern Illinois University
- Title: Computational simulations of electrohydrodynamics of
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Li-Cheng Tsai, Stanford University
- Title: Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations for Dyson's Brownian Motion
Abstract and details available
Thursday, April 28, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Alberto Cattaneo, University of Zurich
- Title:
Contact Info here
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Greg Edwards, Northwestern
- Title: The Ricci flow on the sphere with marked points
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 2, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Roland Bauerschmidt, Harvard University
- Title: Rigidity of the one-component plasma in 2D
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor Grae Worster, University of Cambridge
- Title: Freezing of solutions and colloidal suspensions
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Jared Weinstein, Boston University
- Title: The absolute Galois group of Q_p as a geometric fundamental group
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Joel Specter, Northwestern
- Title: Polynomial statistics over the little disks operad
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
- Colloquium
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Michael Hopkins, Harvard University
- Title: Reflection Positivity in Topological Field Theories
Contact Info here
Thursday, May 5, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 1:00pm
- Gabriel Kerr, Kansas State University
- Title: Homological mirror symmetry for elementary birational cobordisms
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Nick Sheridan, Princeton/IAS
- Title: Homological mirror symmetry for Greene-Plesser mirrors
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Nat Stapleton,
- Title: The character of the total power operation
Abstract and details available
Friday, May 6, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 04:00pm
- Oran Gannot, Berkeley
- Title: Quasinormal modes for Kerr-AdS spacetimes
Abstract and details available
New Developments in Probability
- 9:00 Sandra Cerrai,
Univ. of Maryland
Title: Large deviations for the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with vanishing noise correlation
Details of the talk
- 10:00am Rodrigo Banuelos,
Title: Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev/Burkholder-Gundy, Doob
Place: Pancoe Auditorium
Abstract and details available
- 2:00pm Lea Popovic,
Concordia University
Title: Large deviations for two time-scale jump-diffusions and Markov chain models
Place: Annenberg G21
Abstract and details available
- 3:00pm Nayantara Bhatnagar,
Univ. of Delaware
Title: Decay of Correlations for the Hardcore Model in Random Regular Graphs
Place: Annenberg G21
Abstract and details available
- 4:15pm Davar Khoshnevisan,
Univ. of Utah
Title: Dissipation and Parabolic SPDEs
Place: Annenberg G21
Abstract and details available
Saturday, May 7, 2016
- 10:00am Rick Durrett ,
Duke University
Title: Spatial evolutionary games with small selection coefficients
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 11:15am Gigliola Staffilani,
Title: The Study of Wave and Dispersive Equations: Random Versus Deterministic Approach
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 2:00pm Vadim Gorin,
Title: Lozenge tilings: universal bulk limits, global fluctuations
Details of the talk
- 3:00pm Elizabeth Werner,
Case Western
Title: Best and random approximation of convex bodies by polytopes
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 4:15pm Roger Jones,
DePaul University
Title: Almost Everywhere Convergence and the Work of Alexandra Bellow
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
- 5:10pm Alexandra Bellow ,
Northwestern University
Title: "Looking back, looking forward" (A few mathematical reminiscences)
Details of the talk
Sunday, May 8, 2016
- 10:00am Ioana Dumitriu,
Univ. of Washington
Title: TBA
Details of the talk
- 11:15am Arnab Sen,
University of Minnesota
Title: Roots of Random Littlewood Polynomials
Place: Swift 107
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 9, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Alexandre Girouard, U Laval
- Title: How large can a Steklov eigenvalue be?
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor L. Mahadevan, Harvard University
- Title: Mathematics and Mechanics of Shape: Predicting Shape: geometry,
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Hansheng Diao, Princeton University
- Title: Log adic spaces and overconvergent modular forms
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Mike Hopkins, Harvard University
- Title: Real Wilson Spaces
Special Note: Professor Hopkins is the current Nemmers Prize Winner
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Professor L. Mahadevan, Harvard University
- Title: Mathematics and Mechanics of Shape: Programming Shape: geometry,
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Si Tang, University of Chicago
- Title: High dimensional first passage percolation
Contact Info here
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 102, 01:00pm
- Mihai Păun, KIAS
- Title: Pretalk - Metrics on relative canonical bundles
Special Note: Unusual time and location
Abstract and details available
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 04:00pm
- Mihai Păun, KIAS
- Title: Psh variation of twisted Kahler-Einstein metrics and applications
Special Note: Unusual time and location
Abstract and details available
Thursday, May 12, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Guillaume Roy-Fortin, Northwestern
- Title: Yau's conjecture and the recent work of Logunov/Malinnikova
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 16, 2016
- Analysis Seminar
Lunt 105, 4:10pm
- Sebastien Picard, Columbia University
- Title: On the Fu-Yau generalization of a Strominger system
Abstract and details available
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- Dr.Ian Griffiths, University of Oxford
- Title: How magnets and mathematics can help solve the current water crisis
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Abstract and details available
- Number Theory
Lunt 107, 4:00PM
- Ellen Eischen, University of Oregon
- Title: p-adic families of Eisenstein series and applications
Abstract and details available
- Topology Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:10pm
- Mike Hopkins, Harvard University
- Title: The strict units in Morava E-theory
Contact Info here
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
- Probability Seminar
Lunt 105, 3:00PM
- Xavier Garcia, Northwestern University
- Title: Brownian motion and the infinite sphere of infinite radius
Abstract and details available
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
- Special Event
Annenberg G21, 5:10 pm
- Mike Hopkins, Harvard University
- Title: Immersions of surfaces and the Arf invariant
Abstract and details available
Thursday, May 19, 2016
- Informal Geometric Analysis Seminar
Lunt 107, 03:00pm
- Zahra Sinaei, Northwestern
- Title: Convergence of harmonic maps
Abstract and details available
Monday, May 23, 2016
- ESAM Colloquium
Technological Institute M416, 4:00PM
- ,
- Title:
Special Note: More current information may be available at">Plan-it Purple
Contact Info here
- Pinsky Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:00
- Alexei Borodin, MIT
- Title: Integrable Probability
Abstract and details available
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
- Pinsky Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:00
- Alexei Borodin, MIT
- Title: Integrable Probability
Abstract and details available
Wednesday , May 25, 2016
- Pinsky Lecture Series
Lunt 105, 4:00
- Alexei Borodin, MIT
- Title: Integrable Probability
Abstract and details available
Thursday, May 26, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University
- Title: The Chromatic Lagrangian of a Cubic Planar Graph
Abstract and details available
Friday, May 27, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- PhilSang Yoo,
- Title: Beilinson's Conjectures for a Complete Novice
Abstract and details available
Workshop on percolation, spin glasses and random media
- 1:00pm Louis Pierre Arguin,
Title: Maxima of the characteristic polynomial of random unitary matrices
Details of the talk
- 2:00pm Wei-Kuo Chen,
University of Minnesota
Title: A duality principle in mean-field spin glasses
Details of the talk
- 3:30pm Michael Aizenman,
Princeton University
Title: On Pfaffian relations in planar and non-planar two dimensional models
Details of the talk
- 4:30pm David Gamarnik,
Title: Finding a Large Submatrix of a Random Matrix, and the Overlap Gap Property
Details of the talk
Saturday, May 28, 2016
- 10:00am Elena Kosygina,
Title: A zero-one law for recurrence and transience of frog processes.
Details of the talk
- 11:00 Augusto Texeira,
Title: Sharpness of the phase transition for continuum percolation on R^
Details of the talk
- 1:30pm Jon Peterson,
Purdue University
Title: Oscillations of quenched slowdown asymptotics for ballistic one-dimensional random walk in a random environment
Details of the talk
- 2:30pm Vladas Sidoravicius,
NYU and NYU-Sh
Title: Multi-particle diffusion limited aggregation
Details of the talk
- 3:45pm Gerard Ben Arous,
Title: TBA
Details of the talk
- 4:45pm Jack Hanson,
Title: Chemical distance in 2d critical percolation
Details of the talk
Sunday, May 29, 2016
- 9:30am Alan Hammond,
Title: Self-avoiding polygons and walks: counting, joining and closing
Details of the talk
- 10:30am Naoki Kubota,
Title: Concentration inequalities for the simple random walk in unbounded nonnegative potentials
Details of the talk
- 11:30am Chris Hoffman,
University of Washington
Title: Geodesics in First Passage Percolation
Details of the talk
Thursday, June 2, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107 (or wherever is free), 12:00pm
- Florian Naef, University of Geneva
- Title: Pre-talk
Abstract and details available
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Florian Naef,
- Title: The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra and Kashiwara-Vergne
Abstract and details available
Friday, June 3, 2016
- Graduate Student Seminar
Lunt 104, 4:00pm
- Honghao Gao,
- Title: Knot invariants via microlocal categories
Abstract and details available
Thursday, June 9, 2016
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 1:00pm
- Justin Hilburn,
- Title: Pre-talk
Contact Info here
- Geometry/Physics Seminar
Lunt 107, 4:00pm
- Justin Hilburn, University of Oregon
- Title: Symplectic Duality and Mirror Symmetry of 3d N=4 Theories
Abstract and details available
Regional Related Mathematical Calendars
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Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University.